Compassion is a far better attitude than not caring. Tolerance is a far better attitude than intolerance. Love is far better than hate. Generous is far better than stingy. The list of good personal attributes we want children to develop goes on and on.
If children learn to be compassionate, tolerant, loving, giving and more, there’s a good chance they will be the same as adults. Much of this is learned through the examples we set for children in our words and behavior. A great deal can also be learned by reading the right books together that set those very examples through wonderful stories, such as those reviewed today.
What our future holds will be determined by what we teach our kids now. Think about it every day; we have the power to turn the tide.
Books to borrow
The following book is available at many public libraries.
“The Silver Donkey” by Sonya Hartnett, illustrated by Don Powers, Candlewick, 266 pages
Read aloud: age 9 – 10 and older.
Read yourself: age 10 – 11 and older.
On a spring morning in France, sisters Coco and Marcelle were walking in the woods and came across a soldier curled up on the ground. The Great War was raging and the soldier had been blinded, was a deserter and was attempting to find his way home across the English Channel to England. He was cold and hungry, and the sisters were determined to help him.
As the girls secret food and drink and a few others provisions to the soldier, he returns their generosity with what he has to give — four enchanting tales about loyalty, honesty, courage and determination. As they soon discover, each tale is linked to the magical keepsake the soldier keeps in his pocket: a tiny silver donkey.
Beautifully written, this thought-provoking novel is rich on multiple levels.
Librarian’s choice
Library: Robesonia Community Library, 75 S. Brooke St., Robesonia
Library director: Abby Brunner
Youth services coordinator: Leah Ruth
Choices this week: “Counting Kisses” by Karen Katz; “How Rocket Learned to Read” by Tad Hills; “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry
Books to buy
The following books are available at favorite bookstores.
“Skunk and Badger” by Amy Timberlake, illustrated by Jon Klassen, Algonquin Young Readers, 2020, 144 pages, $18.95 hardcover
Read aloud: age 7 – 10.
Read yourself: age 8 – 10.
When Skunk knocked on Badger’s door, Badger was certain Skunk was trying to sell him something, and he definitely wasn’t interested. As it turned out, Badger’s Aunt Lula (who owned the brownstone where Badger lived for free) had told Skunk he could also live in the brownstone rent-free with Badger.
Badger was horrified that his life’s mission with Important Rock Work would definitely be disrupted by Skunk’s presence, but he had no choice in the matter. Meanwhile, cheerful Skunk set about making himself useful, and among other things, it turned out he was quite handy in the kitchen. But Badger was still forlorn; he knew his life as an Important Rock Scientist was over.
After an odd intrusion of gobs of chickens in the brownstone and some mean words from Badger to Skunk, Skunk decided to leave, telling Badger, “Not everyone wants a skunk.”
With that, Skunk walked out the door with the chickens, and Badger, knowing he had behaved very badly, knew he had to make amends. But Badger would have to find Skunk first.
At once hilarious, heartfelt, redemptive and loads of fun, “Skunk and Badger” is ultimately a tale of an unlikely yet enduring friendship. Perfectly complemented with spot-on illustrations, this recommendation (on sale Tuesday) is one to be read time and time again.
“Madeline Finn and the Therapy Dog” written and illustrated by Lisa Papp, Peachtree, 2020, 32 pages, $17.99 hardcover
Read aloud: age 4 – 8.
Read yourself: age 7 – 8.
Young Madeline Finn has been practicing with her dog Star, training Star to become a therapy dog. But in order for Star to become a certified therapy dog, Star will have to pass a variety of test that include meeting people in an appropriate manner, sitting still and meeting other dogs. It’s hard work, but Madeline is confident Star will pass his three tests when they go to Walker Oaks Retirement Village.
When Madeline, her mother and Star go to Walker Oaks, things go smoothly for each of the tests, and most of the residents at the retirement home are delighted with Star. But despite Star’s warm welcome from the residents, there is one man in a wheelchair in a corner that remains unmoved by Star and Madeline. Will Madeline and Star be able to make Mr. Humphrey smile and bring some joy into his life?
A charming book about kindness, patience and selflessness, “Madeline Finn and the Therapy Dog” is a feel-good story, through and through.
Nationally syndicated, Kendal Rautzhan writes and lectures on children’s literature. She can be reached at kendal@sunlink.net and kendal.rautzhan27@gmail.com.
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