Home Health Raisins: Nutrition, health benefits and how to include them in diet – Times of India

Raisins: Nutrition, health benefits and how to include them in diet – Times of India

Raisins: Nutrition, health benefits and how to include them in diet – Times of India


When we talk about healthy and nutritious dry fruits, raisins are the one that always tops the chart. The shrivelled yellow, brown, or purple pieces made from dried grapes are healthful, tasty, and even pocket friendly. We all know that grapes are extremely nutritious, but the drying process makes raisins more nutrient and calorie-dense.

Originated in the Middle East, raisins slowly became popular in European countries, particularly among Greeks and Romans. At one time, they were used as currency and remedies to treat food poisoning. Now it has become one of the widely consumed dried fruits that can be added to smoothies, oatmeal or yoghurt for a quick boost of energy.

Nutrient content of raisins
There are different kinds of raisins available in the market. The different variety depending on the kind of grapes used to process it. Raisins are usually minimally processed, with no added ingredients or preservatives. But being high in calories, it is recommended to have raisins in moderation.

40 grams or about a handful of raisins contains:

Calories: 108

Protein: 1 gram

Carbohydrates: 29 grams

Fiber: 1 gram

Sugar: 21 grams

Raisins are also loaded with other nutrients like iron, potassium, copper, vitamin B6, manganese and boron. Besides, it contains zero per cent fat. Here are some of the amazing benefits of eating raisins:

Promotes digestion
Loaded with fiber, raisins are particularly good for your digestive health. It helps to bulk up the stool and prevents constipation. Having raisins regularly can also help speed up the digestion process and number of good gut bacteria. The dried grapes also contain tartaric acid that is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Prevents anaemia
Raisins are exceptionally rich in iron and may play a part in preventing anaemia. Along with iron, raisins also contains copper and other vitamins necessary for making red blood cells and carry oxygen to different parts of the body.

Reduces the risk of heart disease
A study suggests the eating raisins may help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Raisins are also rich in potassium that can contribute to relaxing the blood vessels, heart disease, and stroke.

Fights against cancer cells
Adding raisins to your diet is one of the effective ways of prohibiting the growth of cancerous cells. Being a source of antioxidant compounds, raisins may protect the body from oxidative damage and free radicals. Oxidative damage is responsible for the growth of cancer, tumor growth, and premature ageing.

Protects eye and skin health
Raisins contain polyphenols, antioxidants that may protect the cells in the eyes and skin from free radical damage. They can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. In terms of skin health, raisins can keep skin younger looking for a longer time and may reduce fine lines.

Risk of eating too many raisins
Raisins are healthy but should be consumed in moderation. Excessive intake of raisins at one time may also lead to health issues like weight gain, stomach discomforts like digestive issues like gas, bloating, and cramps.

The right way to eat raisins
While most people like to eat raisins raw, soaking them provide more vitamin and nutrients to the body. Soaking raisins overnight in water helps to dissolve vitamins and minerals present in the outer skin. This makes the nutrient readily available to be absorbed by the body. The antioxidant content present in it also gets enhanced. Another way is setting your curd with raisins. As per celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, having a bowl of curd set with raisins can help to lower reduce inflammation in the intestines, and keep your gums healthy and make your bones and joints stronger.


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