The Minnesota Renaissance Festival will go on despite COVID-19 — and for the first time, from the safety of your car.
Saturdays and Sundays will bring both food and entertainment from Sept. 19 through Oct. 4 at the Festival on Parade, according to a festival press release.
Drivers can go one-way through the 2.5-mile “leisurely route” through the fairgrounds, which organizers say can last hours per trip.
The press release said in-car games like trivia and a “Carriage Costume Contest” are part of the plan. Puke, a performer from the comedy duo Puke n’ Snot, will also act for the parade of cars.
The new festival, canceled in its typical form, will be in Louisville Township just outside of Shakopee. It typically brought in about 300,000 people every year.
Bikes, motorcycles and pedestrians aren’t allowed in the parade “for safety and social distancing purposes.”
Also each weekend, people can buy tickets to outdoor comedy shows and a meal, or “feasts,” under tents with distanced tables. Tickets are $85 to $105.
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