Rhea Chakraborty — the friend of actor Sushant Singh Rajput — is “ready for arrest”, her lawyer said today as the 28-year-old appeared before the Narcotics Control Bureau for questioning. The Central agency, which stepped into the case after 59 grams of curated marijuana was found from two men — Abbas Lakhani and Karan Arora — has already arrested her brother.
Showik Chakraborty was arrested on Friday by the Narcotics Control Bureau along with Samuel Miranda, Sushant Singh Rajput’shouse manager, and charged with various sections of the anti-drug law. Both have been sent to the agency’s custody till Wednesday.
No drugs have been found on Showik Chakraborty yet and the NCB’s case hinges on the discovery of 59 grams of curated marijuana from Abbas Lakhani and Karan Arora, who had links with Sushant Singh Rajput.
“Rhea Chakraborty is ready for Arrest as this is a Witch Hunt and if Loving some one is a crime she will face the consequences of her love. Being innocent, She has not approached any court for Anticipatory Bail in all the Cases foisted by Bihar Police now with CBI, ED and NCB,” her lawyer, Satish Maneshinde said in a statement.
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