Home Health Rujuta Diwekar Suggests 3 Simple Tricks To Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet

Rujuta Diwekar Suggests 3 Simple Tricks To Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet

Rujuta Diwekar Suggests 3 Simple Tricks To Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet


In the current previous, we now have seen a drastic shift in the way in which individuals weight loss program. Rather than eliminating whole meals teams from the weight loss program, there’s a swap in direction of consuming a healthful and wholesome balanced weight loss program. Ancient practices are being introduced again, and persons are making an attempt out the knowledge handed on as per Indian traditions and our grandmothers. Fats are one meals group that individuals have been continually avoiding in a bid to drop pounds. But of late, a number of nutritionists have spoken about how there are some wholesome fat that would truly profit the weight loss program and velocity up the burden loss journey. Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar too lately shared a video about wholesome fat that needs to be introduced again into the weight loss program.

Rujuta Diwekar shared this video as a part of her ’12-week health mission’ for 2023. In the clip, she spoke about the truth that not all fat are unhealthy. In reality, some fat can truly be wholesome for us and there are methods that we are able to carry them again into our weight loss program. The superstar nutritionist recommended that fat had been utilised by the physique in some ways, which is why it’s an essential component of the weight loss program that can not be ignored. The addition of wholesome fat to the weight loss program will guarantee more healthy bones, a greater temper, a more healthy coronary heart and extra.

Here Are 3 Simple Tricks To Include Healthy Fats In Your Diet Suggested By Rujuta Diwekar:

1. Make Tadka In Kachi Ghani Oils (Cold-Pressed Oils)

Celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar recommended bringing again the standard tadka and including it to a number of dishes together with khichdi, pulao, dals and extra. According to the knowledgeable, conventional oils had been extracted at decrease temperatures and this meant that the fatty acids, nutritional vitamins and different vitamins are intact. This contains mustard oil for north and east India, groundnut or sesame for central and western, and coconut oil for the South. “No jumping on the bandwagon of “coronary heart wholesome” or other such promises made by refined vegetable, rice bran, safflower or similar oils. Avoid oil-free or fat-free at all costs,” recommended Diwekar.

(Also Read: 7 Power-Packed Recipes With Lots Of Energising Nuts)


Both coconut oil and contemporary coconut can be utilized to endow the physique with wholesome fat. Photo: iStock

2. Use Coconut As Garnish

Coconut is likely one of the most superb wholesome fat on the market and it has a number of well being advantages for our our bodies. Rujuta Diwekar revealed that it’s anti-bacterial, and anti-viral, helps intestine well being and likewise helps calm your nerves. “So, garnish your meals with it, flip it into laddoos and barfis, make chutneys out of it, have the coconut malai and even the dry coconut with jaggery or simply peanuts,” recommended the superstar nutritionist.

3. Cashews For Mid-Meal Snack

Cashews could have gained a adverse popularity, however truly, they’re among the finest sources of wholesome fat on the market. The humble nut is enriched with minerals, nutritional vitamins and amino acids that help the manufacturing of serotonin which helps promote a great night time’s sleep. “It’s tryptophan (an amino acid) and vitamin B combination that helps make kaju a natural anti-depressant. It’s the summer nut and you can eat the cashew fruit too (super rich in Vit C),” stated Diwekar.

Watch the complete video shared by Rujuta Diwekar right here:

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