Home Latest Rupert Murdoch steps down: The controversial legacy of media baron

Rupert Murdoch steps down: The controversial legacy of media baron

Rupert Murdoch steps down: The controversial legacy of media baron


In a shock announcement, media mogul Rupert Murdoch Thursday mentioned that he could be stepping down because the Chairman of Fox and News Corporation. Fox mentioned that the 92-year-old would change into chairman emeritus of each corporations, and that his eldest son Lachlan Murdoch would take over as News Corp chairman and proceed as chief govt officer of Fox Corp.

In addition to Fox News, Rupert began Fox broadcast community, which went on to change into the primary information community to efficiently problem the ‘Big Three’ of ABC, CBS, and NBC. Although Murdoch constructed a media empire like no different, his profession was marred by controversies.

The publications and channels owned by the magnate have been beneath scrutiny for years for allegedly attempting to wield political affect, particularly within the United States and Australia. We look again at a few of the main scandals that his information publications and channels went by way of throughout his seven-decade stint.

  1. 01

    Sexual harassment claims towards ally Roger Ailes

    Fox News got here beneath hearth in 2016 with Gretchen Carlson, a former anchor on the channel, slammed a lawsuit towards Roger Ailes. Ailes was effectively often called Murdoch’s ally and was serving because the chairman for Fox News when the case got here into the general public eye. Carlson’s claims had been backed by six different girls, who accused Ailes of harassment. Following these allegations, Ailes resigned because the Chairman and Chief Executive of the channel. However, Murdoch praised Ailes’ “remarkable contribution” to the corporate.

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    The United Kingdom phone-hacking scandal

    Rupert Murdoch purchased the ‘News of the World’ in 1969, altering its format from a broadsheet to a tabloid newspaper. The publication, in 2005, printed on story on Prince William’s knee damage, resulting in a police criticism concerning the royals’ voicemails being intercepted. This opened up a police investigation, finally resulting in the closure of the publication in 2011, after having paid greater than $1.6 million to settle phone-hacking circumstances. Rupert and his son James Murdoch denied any information of the hacking earlier than a parliamentary committee.

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  3. 03

    Accusations of selling right-wing propaganda

    Murdoch and his channel, Fox News, have at all times been perceived as right-leaning, with the CNN calling it a “right-wing channel”. The channel has additionally been accused of being a mouthpiece for the Republican Party within the United States, with the CNN calling it “an unabashed home of right-wing propaganda aimed at propping up the scandal-ridden White House.”

  4. 04

    Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit

    Dominion Voting Systems had accused Fox News of spreading misinformation in regards to the agency, damaging its fame following the 2020  Presidential elections. Dominion sued the broadcaster for participating with Trump supporters who claimed that the voting machines supplied by the agency had been rigged to deduct Donald Trump’s votes. The Murdoch-owned channel needed to pay $787.5 million to settle the lawsuit.

  5. 05

    Support for the Brexit referendum

    The media affect that Murdoch’s publications wielded lower by way of the Brexit marketing campaign as effectively. Murdoch-owned newspapers, The Mail and The Sun, had been assured of their help of the referendum, drawing loads of flak from politicians and civilians alike. With headlines like ‘BeLEAVE in Britain’ and ‘See EU later’, the publications turned recognized for anti-European Union reporting.

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