Dasara is synonymous with big festive releases and this year sees Salaga, the debut directorial of Duniya Vijay releases today. Producer KP Sreekanth says, “We are releasing the film in 300 screens with around 1,200 shows. We assure complete entertainment for every kind of audience. For those who want mass content, we have enough of that, for those expecting comedy, there are ample laughs and for those who want sentiments, we have beautiful sentiments. We have it all blended well and this is our highlight and the reason I chose to back the film.”
Speaking about Vijay, Sreekanth adds, “The film sees Vijay sir debut as director. He has huge experience in the industry as he has been here for two decades. He has worked with filmmakers like Soori and he knows his craft. He will not disappoint.” As for the expectations after Tagaru, he says, “We have a lot of the technicians from our Tagaru team, be it the co-director, dialogue writer, editor or composer. The Tagaru team has completely backed and supported him in this film, which has led to the expectations.”
Sreekanth also points out, “The added bonus will be the fact that fans will get to see another facet to their favourite Dhananjaya or Daali. He has the right attitude for playing the righteous cop.”
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