Home Latest Salisbury Athletics hold first official practices for fall sports – 47abc

Salisbury Athletics hold first official practices for fall sports – 47abc

Salisbury Athletics hold first official practices for fall sports – 47abc


Football, field hockey, volleyball, soccer will play in Spring 2021

SALISBURY, Md- Although the sports season won’t begin for Salisbury University until Spring of 2021, the Sea Gulls fall sports squads began practicing on Thursday.

“It’s a great opportunity,” said long time Salisbury Football head coach Sherman Wood. “Our athletic and training staffs have done a wonderful job to prepare us for this.”

Eventhough many Division I schools are playing their fall seasons in the present, the NCAA designated smaller divisions, like the one Salisbury participates in– for the spring. Football, field hockey, volleyball, and men’s and women’s soccer will have to find a way to share the same fields and facilities in 2021 as spring sports such as lacrosse, baseball, and softball. SU Athletics seems to be up to the task and will boast innovative ways for their fall and spring athletes to flourish in the same calendar season.


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