CHICOPEE – The school committee approved a plan that would allow certain school sports to move forward later this fall.
The committee voted sport by sport. They approved gymnastics, cross-country, golf, girls and boys soccer as well as volleyball for girls, after considerable discussion about the safety of the indoor sport.
Noting that Chicopee has been at the “green” level in terms of COVID-19 cases for weeks, Athletic Director Sean Mackin presented a two-phase fall sports plan to the committee. Beginning Sept. 18, he proposed the first phase with practice beginning for gymnastics, golf, volleyball, cross country, girls and boys soccer and girls volleyball.
Oct. 1 starts the competition phase for these five sports with schedules yet to be determined. Mackin said that in line with various state guidelines, the teams would play in a “regional bubble” with most matches happening in Hampden County. If Chicopee does not play in the first phase, it could not stay in its bubble and would have to travel, he added.
Phase two starts Oct. 2 with practice starting for football, cheer and unified basketball, he said. The Fall 2 schedule for these sports is Feb. 22 to April 25.
“Phase 2 practice is an important part of returning to normalcy,” Mackin said.
Committee Member Sandra Peret asked about the COVID-19 status of the communities that would play against the Chicopee teams. Mackin explained the only Hampden county community evaluated as “red” would be Monson. He said Chicopee teams would not be scheduled to play against Monson, as the goal is to play in a regional bubble on the same side of the Connecticut River.
School Committee Member Donald Lamothe asked about the safety of students playing football on a frozen field in February. Mackey said the team would be inside at the time for practice.
Lamothe also asked if players facing each other in the field would be wearing masks.
“The football rules are going to be determined. We don’t have modifications for any of those sports,” Mackin said. The committee was not voting on the spring sports, just the first fall sports.
Soccer and volleyball players would wear masks. Cross-country runners start and finish with a mask. Gymnasts could perform without a mask and then put a mask back on after the performances.
The rules of both soccer and volleyball have been modified to make them safer, Mackin said. For example, in volleyball there would be markers on the floor to remind players to stay apart from one another and no spiking of the ball will be allowed.
School Superintendent Lynn Clark told members of the Chicopee School Committee that 92 to 93 percent of the district’s students are attending school remotely and that she sees the format “smoothing out” with the establishment of a technology help desk, the distribution of 150 hot spot devices to establish an internet signal and the purchase of 3,000 additional Chrome books.
She also noted that 65 percent of the students approved attending school in person while 35 wanted a remote program.
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