Home Latest Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology – Jammu celebrates 22nd foundation day

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology – Jammu celebrates 22nd foundation day

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology – Jammu celebrates 22nd foundation day


Jammu: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology – Jammu (SKUAST –Jammu) celebrated its 22nd Foundation Day here at Baba Jitto Auditorium, Main campus, Chatha. Prof. J. P. Sharma, Chancellor, was the chief guest. The function was organized both offline and virtual mode using Zoom platform. The program started with the lightning of lamp by Vice Chancellor and other dignitaries present on the Dias.
The Vice Chancellor, in his address, while congratulating all the teaching and non-teaching staff on foundation day, lauded the efforts of University employees, students and farmers’ for their contribution in the growth and development of SKUAST-Jammu. He said that since its birth in 1999, SKUAST-Jammu has made rapid strides. It has released 29 varieties of different crops, developed Integrated Farming System Model, establishment of Agri-business Incubation center etc. Prof. Sharma also highlighted the achievements attained by the university and said that the motive of the university is to ensure food and household security of farmers by increasing the productivity and profitability on ecological and economically sustainable basis. SKUAST-Jammu is always working to cater to the needs of farming community of Jammu region for the development of region specific resources, agricultural technologies and eventual transfer thereof.
In his address Prof Sharma mentioned about the programme “Village Visit and Re-visit” which has been started recently to meet out the problems of farmers’ of different villages. He also informed about the future endeavour of the University in commencement of Ph.D programme in Agribusiness Management, strengthening of placement cell, student-industry interface, and establishment of new KVKs etc. He also discussed about the benefits of bills for the farmers’ introduced recently in Lok Sabha on he occasion.
An expert lecture on “Feeding 1.37 billion with Nutritional Security” by Dr. A. K. Srivastava, Member, ASRB, New Delhi was also organized on the occasion. While addressing the gathering from New Delhi through zoom, Dr Shrivastava congratulated Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu and whole team of SKUAST-Jammu for Celebrating Foundation Day. He said that 52 per cent population of India earns livelihood from agriculture. He reiterated that green, white, yellow and blue revolution paved the way for Food Surplus in India. He gave a brief information about the development of India from “Food deficient” and Food Import in 1947 to Food Self-Sufficiency and Food Export w.e.f 1980.
He stressed that due attention to agriculture, dairy sector and allied sectors as these sectors has shown remarkable growth since 2005-06 and has made India self-sufficient in almost all the commodities. Mentioning Glorious Journey of Indian Dairy sector, he said Indian livestock system is best example of Atmanirbhar as India contributes almost 50% of global growth in milk production. He emphasized that India must export agricultural products after making value addition. He also discussed about the on-going schemes of GoI addressing Malnutrition and urged that a mission mode action is required to address malnutrition and Hidden Hunger in the country. At last he was of the opinion that agriculture policy should be beyond “ Staple grain self-sufficiency”.
Earlier, Lecture on Importance of Foundation Day for SKUAST-Jammu was given by Dr. S. E. H. Rizvi, Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences. He informed about the reason for the establishment of SKUAST-Jammu after bifurcation from erstwhile SKUAST. Officers of the University Dr. R. K. Gupta, Dr. S. K. Gupta, Dr. Deepak Kher, Rajesh Talwar, Heads of the Divisions and Professor(s) were present in the Auditorium during the Foundation Day celebrations while all other teaching and non-teaching staff joined virtually. Vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Rajesh Katoch, Dean, Students’ Welfare, SKUAST-J while the proceedings were conducted by Dr. Ankur Rastogi.


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