Home Health Silverball cited for health order violations Saturday night

Silverball cited for health order violations Saturday night

Silverball cited for health order violations Saturday night


COLUMBIA – Silverball, a downtown Columbia arcade and bar, was found in violation of the city’s health order Saturday night.

Violations included having over 100 people in the bar at one time. The health order limits business capacity to 100 people and requires social distancing measures be in place.

It’s the second business to be cited in the weekend before MU students return to class. Unlike the Brookside Midtown pool, health officials did not order the bar to shut down.

“We asked them to get everyone out and then allow an appropriate number back into the bar. At that point, they decided to close for the night,” Scott Clardy, the health department’s assistant director, told KOMU.

Silverball closed voluntarily in June after a customer tested positive for COVID-19 and potentially exposed bar staff.

Owner Nic Parks told KOMU he is out of town and has not received the notice of violation yet but staff count at the door to limit capacity to 100. He also said security camera footage from Saturday night did not appear to show the bar was crowded.

He said it is “difficult” to enforce masking and social distancing and staff couldn’t keep up.

“All we can do is continue to do our best under the circumstances. If patrons want bars to remain open, they will need to abide by the rules,” he said.

Parks said operations may change in the future to shift focus to carryout and further limit occupancy to better manage enforcement.

The city prosecutor may decide to pursue charges and a Columbia Municipal Court judge could decide whether to fine the business.

Silverball is the twelfth business to be found in violation of the health order since June 20.


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