The landscape photography of local artist Tom Dwyer will be featured at the first 2020 show of Gallery 54 in Skaneateles.
Opening from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 25, will be ‘Limited Edition,” a collection of never-before-seen images by Dwyer. The show will continue for a month at the gallery, 54 E. Genesee St., Skaneateles.
All the images in the show were created in central New York, Dwyer said, and all except one were created this year. With each image, he tried to communicate something about its subject that moved him. Only 12 prints of each photograph will ever be made, he said in a news release, because “the harder I work at creating images ‘about’ my subjects, the more my work changes, and because of these changes I expect what I am producing today will not be representative of my work in the future, just as today’s work is often not representative of past efforts.”
Dwyer will also host free one-on-one workshops at the gallery Saturday, Sept. 26. To reserve a time, call him at (315) 420-3513.
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