Home Latest Software development firm TopDevz delivers custom virtual conference technology for nationwide event management company

Software development firm TopDevz delivers custom virtual conference technology for nationwide event management company

Software development firm TopDevz delivers custom virtual conference technology for nationwide event management company


SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — One of America’s fastest-growing software development consulting companies, TopDevz, announced the successful release of a new mobile and progressive web app designed to facilitate virtual networking by video conferencing at business events. The algorithm-powered businesspeople matching application is readily available for iOS and Android on their respective app stores. 

The Client
From when it created its first local business mixer over a decade ago, this Florida-based event planning agency has rapidly grown to a full-service events and conferences management company. With numerous events planned and produced nationwide each year and gathering hundreds of businesspeople, the event organizer has become a major player in its industry and received several innovation awards.

The Challenge
With the spread of Covid-19 across the United States and the following lockdown orders, many events and conferences were postponed or even canceled altogether. As a result, the events industry suffered tremendous losses and companies were forced to reinvent their activity in order to stay in business. As they were looking for new ways to gather business people together while respecting social distancing, the award-winning event organizer turned to TopDevz to help create an innovative solution to facilitate virtual networking.

TopDevz’ Solution
TopDevz created a multi-platform solution to process event registrations and collect attendees’ interests to later pair them with relevant contacts. It also integrated a video conferencing system that allows events participants to meet virtually. Project managers can create events on the backend and include a series of questions to gather information used by the platform’s algorithm for people matching. Once matched, the attendees receive a push notification instructing them on how to connect with their group in a virtual meeting room. It also gives them information on the people in their group and possible icebreakers.  

The Outcome
Not only did the application built by TopDevz’ team of senior software engineers successfully fulfilled its primary objective of gathering business people virtually and increasing participants’ engagement, it also created new marketing and revenue opportunities for the event organizer through user data collection and in-app advertising.

About TopDevz
TopDevz is a team of elite software developers, designers, project managers and quality assurance testers who live and work in the United States and Canada on some of the Nation’s most sophisticated software development initiatives.

Media Contact:
Stephanie Rossignol
[email protected] 


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