Home Latest Some sports activities suspended at arenas and fields in Argenteuil – The Review Newspaper

Some sports activities suspended at arenas and fields in Argenteuil – The Review Newspaper

Some sports activities suspended at arenas and fields in Argenteuil – The Review Newspaper


The MRC d´Argenteuil, which manages the Arena Kevin-Lowe – Pierre-Pagé in Lachute and the Arena Gilles-Lupien in Brownsburg-Chatham has decided to suspend all indoor and outdoor sports activities at the facility until October 28, 2020. the holding of activities on their indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

The suspension mainly concerns activities not affiliated with recognized national sports federations that have continually updated plans approved by Québec public health authorities and requirements that the rules are applied.

Effective Friday, October 2, 2020, all adult leagues in both arenas, and activities taking place on soccer, baseball, and football fields in Lachute are suspended until October 28.

Although the territory of the MRC d’Argenteuil MRC is currently an orange zone, the eight mayors of its municipalities agreed that caution and prevention are essential in order to avoid further local outbreaks of COVID-19.

“The pandemic has not said its last word and once again forces us to step up our collective efforts.  We ask for the precious collaboration of everyone so that the instructions issued by public health are followed to the letter,” said MRC d’Argenteuil Prefect and Gore Mayor Scott Pearce.

“It is obvious that this decision is difficult to take and that it does not please us, but we prefer to adopt a preventive approach in order to preserve the low rate of contamination currently observed in Argenteuil,” said Lachute Mayor Carl Péloquin.

In addition, at the request of the Centre de services scolaire de la Rivière-du-Nord, all athletic activities held in schools, which are not part of municipal programming, are canceled. Municipal activities taking place at the indoor swimming pool are however maintained because the sanitary measures there are provided by the Ville de Lachute.

Due to the evolving nature of this pandemic, it is possible that the measures and instructions health change will rapidly. The MRC d’Argenteuil and Ville de Lachute will citizens informed of developments as soon as possible.


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