Home Health Soothe Your Tummy With This Cool Cucumber (Kheera) Chaas Recipe

Soothe Your Tummy With This Cool Cucumber (Kheera) Chaas Recipe

Soothe Your Tummy With This Cool Cucumber (Kheera) Chaas Recipe



  • Chaas strikes the right balance between health and taste
  • We bring you cucumber chaas that adds the goodness of kheera to the drink
  • Cucumber is low in calorie and aid weight loss

Indian food culture is a melting pot of versatility. While some recipes are rich, spicy and greasy, there are myriads of dishes that define comfort and all things soothing. One such soulful beverage that unites us all is chaas (or buttermilk). It is a perfect union of churned yogurt and spices that strikes the right balance between health and taste. Besides offering a burst of flavours to our taste buds, this cool beverage does wonders to our digestive system and over all gut-health (courtesy: yogurt). Moreover, it is also known to promote weight loss, strengthen immunity and rejuvenate us from within.

Adding to the benefits of regular chaas, we bring a recipe that also includes the goodness of cucumber (or as we call it kheera in Hindi) in the drink. This vegetable is packed with several essential vitamins and minerals and help maintaining body’s water balance. Cucumber is also dubbed to promote detoxification, regulate cholesterol, manage blood pressure, and boost weight loss and more.

This cucumber chaas is quick and easy to make and is ideal to cool down your body and soul in no time. This drink can also be a unique addition to the list of beverages you arrange for your next house party. Try it out and do let us know how you like it!

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Here’s The Step-By-Step Recipe For Cucumber (Kheera) Chaas:


1 cup yogurt

Half cup cucumber, grated

2 teaspoon mint leaves

1 teaspoon roasted jeera, coarsely pounded

Half teaspoon red chilli powder

Black salt, as per taste

Freshly chopped coriander leaves, to garnish


Step 1. Add the yogurt and grated cucumber and mint leaves in a blending jar and blend. Add water if needed, to get juice-like consistency.

Step 2. Pour it in a glass jug and add jeera, red chilli powder and black salt. Mix everything together. Adjust the spices as per taste.

Step 3. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve. You may also add some ice cubes, if you want.

Have a nice day!

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.


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