Home Latest SpaceX delays astronaut flight due to rough weather conditions

SpaceX delays astronaut flight due to rough weather conditions

SpaceX delays astronaut flight due to rough weather conditions


has bumped its next astronaut flight for until Wednesday because of rough wind and waves hundreds of miles away.

Four astronauts were supposed to blast off early Sunday morning on a six-month mission to the Space Station. But while the forecast at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center was near perfect, a large storm in the Northeast had the sea churning farther up the coast. The safety violation prompted managers on Saturday to move the launch.

For crew launches, requires good weather all the way up the Eastern Seaboard and across the North Atlantic to Ireland, in case something goes wrong and the capsule has to make an emergency splashdown.

Calmer conditions are expected Wednesday. The one German and three U.S. astronauts will remain at Kennedy until then.

This will be SpaceX’s fourth astronaut flight for in 1 1/2 years and the company’s fifth passenger flight overall. Last month, launched its first private flight, sending a billionaire and his three guests into orbit.

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