Central Middle School to hold tennis tryouts
Central Middle School will hold boys tennis tryouts beginning at 4 p.m. Monday at Donner Park.
Prospective athletes must have a completed physical and IHSAA Covid-19 questionnaire before practicing.
Virtual Mill Race registration available
Registration for the virtual 2020 Mill Race Marathon, Half Marathon and 5K is available.
Cost is $55 for the marathon and half marathon and $25 for the 5K through Sept. 25. Runners who had registered before the live race was canceled also have the option to defer their registration to 2021, request a refund for 2020 or donate their registration fee to local COVID relief organizations.
To register, or for more information, visit millracemarathon.com
Otter Creek to host Indiana Junior Open
Otter Creek Golf Course will host the Hurricane Junior Golf Tour Indiana Junior Open Sept. 5-6.
Cost is $229 for HJGT members and $304 for non-members. To register, or for more information, visit hjgt.org, email info@hjgt.org or call 407-614-2962.
AEI Youth Sports Fund accepting applications
Applications for Individual Grants from the AEI Youth Sports Fund are being accepted at the Heritage Fund via the link, https://www.heritagefundbc.org/aei-youth-sports-fund/
Until Oct. 31, 2020, individual youth ages 18 and under may apply to receive grants that will provide financial help for participation in athletic and fitness activities. Grant awards will include assistance for, but not limited to, lessons, clinics, travel, equipment, program fees, dues, etc.
Individual grant award amounts will range from $50-$2,000. A separate application process will be held for organizations starting Jan. 1, 2021.
This fund was established by Analytical Engineering, Inc. in August 2019 and is administered by the Heritage Fund. During the first year, the AEI Youth Sports Fund helped more than 300 youth, enabling them to participate in a wide range of sports and outdoor activities including hockey, volleyball, baseball, basketball, football, gymnastics, lacrosse, swimming, wrestling, soccer, running and various other sports. A total of $32,050 was distributed to organizations and individuals during the first year.
Anyone ages 18 and under from Bartholomew and all surrounding counties who could benefit by receiving financial assistance for youth to participate in athletic or fitness activities can apply.
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