Home Latest Sports to help heal wounds

Sports to help heal wounds

Sports to  help heal  wounds


In the travel-team tournament world, different parameters are in place. Team members traditionally travel to sites of games with immediate family members in tow instead of in-transit as a complete unit on an activity bus. Also, close contact with teammates usually takes place in the shape of cell phone calls and/or texts other than in more traditional face-to-face communication.

Team members arrive at locations already fully attired. There are no gatherings taking place in enclosed locker rooms that could increase the chance of aiding the spread of the coronavirus. Also, once games are complete, players gather their belongings on an individual basis instead of recouping them from a group collection. Again, personal contact is avoided as much as possible.

Equipment also becomes a personal matter. With the exception of the ball being used in the games of softball and baseball that are among the sports that are accounting for the bulk of the ongoing activity, all other items are of a personal nature. Players protect their gloves, hats, shoes and other uniform-related material. As any parent of a player attest, high-priced bats are carefully stored in the monogrammed personal equipment bags.

The only real concern is place is centered on the balls being used. They are the lone item that is continually shared by all, from the players to the coaches to the officials to the attending fans that help retrieve and return all fouls balls that leave the respective playing fields. That remains the only area of major cause for alarm.


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