Home Latest State raises concerns with MPA plan to resume high school sports, urges delay to address issues

State raises concerns with MPA plan to resume high school sports, urges delay to address issues

State raises concerns with MPA plan to resume high school sports, urges delay to address issues



The Maine Department of Health and Human Services and the Maine Department of Education have raised concerns about the Maine Principals’ Association’s plan for fall sports.

The commissioners of DHHS and DOE sent a letter Tuesday to MPA Executive Director Michael Burnham.

The letter does not call for the cancellation of fall sports but urged the MPA to extend the delayed start of fall sports and to address the concerns.

“There is concern that the MPA Guidance does not include any modifications to the types of play for sports based on risk. Under the MPA Guidance, student athletes in even the highest risk sports can compete as they did pre-COVID,” the letter said.

DHHS and DOE said a further delay to the start of fall sports would allow schools to get the school year underway academically before sports begin.

The MPA said it needed time to look at the letter before commenting on the next steps.

The review of the MPA plan found that several elements do not adhere to state rules for sports.

The MPA guidance states that spectators at events should be 3 to 6 feet apart. The state said spacing of less than 6 feet is prohibited under the rules for community sports.

The letter also stated that the MPA’s face covering guidance is not consistent with state protocols.

The MPA guidance also said that parents must notify the school if a student athlete has contact with a person with COVID-19. Draft rules from the Maine Department of Education call for close contacts of people with COVID-19 to also quarantine in addition to notifying the school.

The commissioners also noted that the MPA guidance does not address Maine Department of Education requirements and recommendations or school districts’ plans for reopening despite the activities occurring on school grounds, using school services and supervised by school staff.

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