
‘Supergirl’ actress Melissa Benoist sat for an interview with Entertainment Weekly to discuss her future plans and her experience of playing the superhero.
The actress looked gorgeous on the cover of the magazine which interviewed her earlier this month.
The 33-year-old said, “I definitely felt a different kind of closure when we wrapped on set, very bittersweet. I felt all the emotions you could feel in the last two weeks of shooting that show. But I think once the final episode airs, and I know that I really don’t have to go back up to Vancouver to shoot, that’s when it’ll probably set in,” she said while talking about Super Girl.

The actress recently released her new children’s fantasy book Haven’s Secret, which she co-wrote with her sister Jessica and Mariko Tamaki.
Melissa last month shared her thoughts on young people’s use of social media as whistleblower Frances Haugen called for transparency about how Facebook entices users to keep scrolling during a Senate Commerce subcommittee hearing.
The actress said, “Not surprising that social media platform are damaging to young people’s (and frankly all of our) mental health.”
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