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We’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone listed below, as well as our growing list of subscribers, and the donors who wished to remain anonymous.
Without your support The Ferret would not be possible.
These are some of the Ferrets who have supported us so far.
Platinum Ferrets: Lap Gong Leong, Bill Muir
Gold Ferrets: B Allaway, Neil Barton, Steve Bird, Alan Bonnyman, Paul Cairney, Jane Cotton, William Coull, K Dunion, Bill Harkes, Pete Kingsley, Val McDermid, Eamon O’Connor, David MacDonald, John McDonald, Shaun Milne, Fiona Riddoch, Scott Sandison, Liam Soutar, Paul Wood, Adam Pow.
Silver Ferrets: Marc Ellison, Per Fischer, Clive Gillman, David Gow, Ian Hepburn, Lisa Mack, Calum McKay, Elsa Munro, Jillian Reilly, Sanne van den Bergh, Susan Watts, Rich Welsh, Leslie Wilson
Bronze Ferrets: Alison Balharry, Marie Brown, Laura Christie, Rohan Cragg, John Cunningham, Deborah Curcher, Ross Day, Karen Dietz, Fiona Duncan, Gillian Easson, Ian Fraser, Audrey Garvie, Liz Glass, Douglas Greenshields, J T Hesketh, Hilary Horrocks, Morag Jones, Tessa Jones, Jenny Kumar, Andrew Learmonth, Murray Macadam, AK Mackinnon, Alex Massie, Fraser MacDonald, Edd McCracken, Alan McCredie, Lesley Midd, James Newbery, Andrew Richards, Jamie Taylor, Barry Basil Turnbull, Pauline Ward, Tom Warren
Honorary Ferrets: Kat Affleck, Mary Alexina, Neil Ash, Greg Barr, Claire Biddles, Phil Chamberlain, Barry Chapman, Kieran Forbes, Alison Gilchrist, Hilary Grant, Martin Hamilton, Gordon Hayden, Alex Ingram, Sam Kerr, Amanda Lichtenstein, Stuart MacDonald, James Mackenzie, Catriona MacPhee, Lyra McKee, Gordon Menzies, Emma Miller, Lena Phalen, Robert Sanders, Amy Saunders, Alex Shaw, Denise Strohsahl, Gabrielle Vaughan, Andy Wightman, Kenny Stewart.
Other donors: Derek Bateman, Carron Beaumont, James Bisset, Nick Brand, Lucinda Broadbent, Isabella Browning, Kew Campbell, Lynne Crook, J B Cunningham, Mark Daly, Christopher Donohue, David Eyre, Jenny Fish, Bill Frew, P A Gallagher, Karin Goodwin, Diarmuid Griffin, Jamie McKenzie Hamilton, Claire Harkins, James Hunter, Auraengus Kenchington, Ewan Kennedy, Brian Kupris, Euan Leitch, Craig Liddle, Alison Mack, Jean Mackenzie, Graeme MacOtter, Iain Macwhirter, Tim Maguire, Indira Mann, J Marshall, Gary Martin, Lorna McAllister, Maureen McCluskey, Isabel McCue, Gregg McDonnell, Andrew McFadyen, Neil McGuire, George McQuilkin, K B Middlemiss, Jill Mirran, Seana Moore, Peter Murray, C E Murtagh, Hugh Odling-Smee, Julie Osborne, Morag Parnell, Neil Riddell, Billy Sangster, Kevan Shaw, Alexis Sutherland, Juliet Swann, Carol Taylor, Andrew Tickell, Helen Trainor, Neil Urquhart, Jillian Watt, Bronwen Whitney, Marjan Van De Weg, C S Wheeldon, George D White, Alex Wilde, H Wosu, Allan Young
We have more than 1000 paying members too. Subscriber supporters include: John Hinshelwood, Patrick Grey, Caroline McManus, David McDonald, Alison Mann and George McQuilkin.
If you are a subscriber, or have donated to The Ferret, but are not listed here and would like to be, it may be that you didn’t send us your name – if so, please let us know and we can add you. If you are a Ferret subscriber and would like to be names as a subscriber supporter also do get in touch.
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