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Bridgewater Courier News
HIGHLAND PARK – With limits on in-person family visits and social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an escalating need to ensure older adults living at home can remain as engaged as possible, according to a release.
Although challenging, especially among elders who do not commonly use technology, it is important for loved ones and caregivers to introduce connected devices – from a basic tablet and smartphone, to virtual reality and interactive gaming – to keep them as connected as possible as months of isolation can prompt depression and other lasting ailments, the release said.
At the forefront of the issue is Marcy Salzberg, director of social work and dementia care at Parker, who handles the intake of all new guests at the residential campuses in Piscataway, Highland Park, New Brunswick, Franklin and Monroe. She is seeing many incoming residents eager for interaction and engagement after remaining at home, often alone, since the coronavirus shut down many parts of society in mid-March, the release said.
“We have seen COVID-19 turn life upside down for so many older adults, from working, to socializing to performing everyday activities in life,” Salzberg said in the release. “We also know very well that elders are at much higher risks for contracting the virus and the only way to keep them healthy is to keep them socially distanced, despite the many obstacles.”
According to the release, there are many challenges, especially for those people with pre-existing conditions, who have not been able to regularly see medical professionals. They are now more responsible for self-care, as a family member or friend typically visited daily to prepare meals or do some of the household chores. And not having those daily visits have left some feeling alone and abandoned.
“Many people are spending a lot more time watching television, and that is not a good thing,” Salzberg said n the release. “With these 24-hour news channels constantly reporting about the coronavirus and other troubles of the day, it can be particularly stressful – especially for someone who has nothing else to do than spend hours in front of the screen, putting his or her mental health into a vulnerable position.”
That is why Salzberg – and others who work with older adults – consider technology as an immediate savior during these challenging times. She encourages families to FaceTime and Zoom with loved ones. Older adults can also download apps to play games with their friends or be engaged in trivia, music or online classes.
In addition, adult daycare programs, such as the one at Parker, offer a comprehensive number of virtual courses and real-time events for the at-home community, serving as engagement and helping underscore that people may be living alone, but are not alone. There are online painting classes or cooking classes in which participants gather their own supplies and join in an interactive event with others who are living at home, Salzberg said in the release.
“Some people are also comfortable with outdoor visits, which is also what we are allowing at our nursing care and assisted living residences,” Salzberg said in the release. “People can congregate with their loved ones outside, perhaps for a visit on the driveway or on the deck, with everyone spaced accordingly and wearing masks.”
Parker Health Group and other aging services programs now offer at-home rehabilitation services, which are critical to those individuals who may be sitting at home all day and experiencing a deterioration of their physical condition. There are numerous available services, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy to maintain physical health. Walking, yoga, Pilates, gardening, arts and crafts and stretching are other simple, cost-effective cardiovascular benefits, the release said.
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Another popular way to engage is through the creation of an online grocery club, in which neighbors can join in an order of food that is delivered through Amazon or other online sources. By creating a club, neighbors can defray the cost of shipping and share some of the items that are purchased. It also is another way to engage people, as they join together online to complete the weekly grocery list, with the products safely delivered to their door, the release said.
“Whether you are a person in need of care or a caregiver, the most important thing you can do at this time is to take care of yourself,” Salzberg said in the release. “It is frustrating and difficult for everyone at the moment. It is really important to take time out and do whatever activity you enjoy that reduces your amount of stress. Whether you are attending one of Parker’s online programs, or finding some enjoyment with a visit from a loved one on the driveway, remember that emotional well being is critical for overall wellness.”
For additional information visit ParkerLife.org.
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