Home Latest The 5-second self test is said to determine your risk of diabetes | The Times of India

The 5-second self test is said to determine your risk of diabetes | The Times of India

The 5-second self test is said to determine your risk of diabetes  | The Times of India


Millions of people suffer from diabetes all over the world and closer home the situation is worse. With over 50 million people suffering from it in India, our nation is called the diabetes capital of the world. The condition isn’t restricted to the adults alone but can impact a child as young as 6 months.

The condition though is more common in middle-aged people and understanding one’s risk can help one to be proactive, get tested and ensure they receive the treatment as soon as they need it.

As per a new study, there is a small trick that can help determine your risk of type 2 diabetes and thus help you manage it better.


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