Home Latest The Best Posture Correctors to Put a Stop to Your Slouch

The Best Posture Correctors to Put a Stop to Your Slouch

The Best Posture Correctors to Put a Stop to Your Slouch


We slouch in front of our desks for at least 40 hours a week and crane our necks on our phones for the rest of the time. Not to mention we’re six months deep in a global pandemic that has limited our usual activities. All of this is affecting our back health. Bad posture doesn’t just cause temporary pain and stiffness; it can cause a permanent hunch.

After seeing far too many photos of myself with horrible posture—my shoulders fully rounded over, my stomach somehow pushed forward while my hips are pushed back—I wonder why anyone has ever voluntarily spoken to me in public. But I decided to do something about it. I’ve tested braces, shirts, a yoga strap, and more to figure out what can help fix my posture. Here are the best posture correctors we’ve tried.

None of these options will fix your problems overnight. Start using them 10 to 20 minutes a day, and add time as you go on (and listen to the product’s directions). If you have severe back pain, talk to your primary care provider before buying anything.

Updated September 2020: We’ve added an additional shoulder brace and Kinflyte’s posture bras and shirts.

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