Cudahy’s Health Officer Katie Lepak is resigning.

In a letter of resignation dated Aug. 5, Lepak said her last day will be Aug. 21.

“I appreciate the opportunities for growth and development during my tenure of five years and 10 months,” Lepak wrote. “I would like to thank the board of health, elected officials and the community for their guidance and support.”

The city’s personnel committee discussed Lepak’s replacement Aug. 18. The top candidate to take the spot is Heather Puente, the current public health manager for the city.

“She understands what’s going on in the health department,” said Mayor Thomas Pavlic, adding that this could be a long-term or possibly permanent appointment.

Lepak also offered to help the city during the transition period.

The city’s board of health has to appoint the next health officer to make it official according to Kelly Sobieski, director of office services for Cudahy.

At the next personnel committee meeting, the item should come up again for more specific discussion, including duties and pay.

Lepak did not respond to requests to interview her about her departure, but her department had been a hotbed of issues as the coronavirus pandemic spread throughout Wisconsin in spring.

Pavlic forbade Lepak from speaking on public heath issues in Cudahy, according to State Rep. Christine Sinick (D-Milwaukee), and the city was the site of a COVID-19 outbreak at the local Smithfield plant.

At least 85 workers at the plant tested positive for coronavirus. The plant briefly closed for sanitation efforts.

Alderman Justin Moralez also later told the Journal Sentinel that Pavlic was mistreating the city’s female department heads, including Lepak. Moralez confronted Pavlic over the accusations and was cited for disorderly conduct as a result.

RELATED: ‘Please do something’: As COVID-19 swept through Wisconsin food plants, companies, government failed to protect workers

Maria Perez contributed to this report.

Contact Erik S. Hanley at (262) 875-9467 or Follow him on Twitter at @ES_Hanley.

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