Home Latest The James Webb Space Telescope reveals a mysterious planet to be weirdly shiny

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals a mysterious planet to be weirdly shiny

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals a mysterious planet to be weirdly shiny


This artist’s impression exhibits a hazy sub-Neptune-sized planet just lately noticed with the James Webb Space Telescope.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)

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NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)

This artist’s impression exhibits a hazy sub-Neptune-sized planet just lately noticed with the James Webb Space Telescope.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)

An enigmatic, cloud-enshrouded planet that has puzzled astronomers for years seems to be much less sizzling than anticipated – and surprisingly shiny.

That’s what the James Webb Space Telescope revealed when it peered at a so-called mini-Neptune that astronomers have been attempting to grasp ever because it was first found round one other star over a decade in the past, in accordance with a brand new report printed by the journal Nature.

Our personal photo voltaic system has nothing like this planet, known as GJ 1214b. It’s greater than the rocky planets like Earth, however nonetheless smaller than any of our system’s ice or gasoline giants.

And but research present that such planets – typically known as super-Earths or mini-Neptunes – are extremely widespread in our galaxy.

“Is it like a big, scaled-up Earth? Is it a small, scaled-down Neptune? Is it something totally different that we’ve never seen before, maybe something called a waterworld, where the atmosphere would be all steamy?” wonders Eliza Kempton, an astronomer with the University of Maryland, College Park.

She says astronomers have zeroed in on GJ 1214b particularly as a result of it is the single-most accessible planet like this to look at. It orbits a small but vibrant star that is comparatively close by, simply 48 light-years away.

The hassle is, the planet has proved remarkably immune to giving up its secrets and techniques.

“This planet has been a challenge. We’ve been trying to understand what its atmosphere is made of for a long time,” says Kempton.

Sometimes astronomers can study a planet by watching because it passes in entrance of its star and analyzing the starlight that filters via its ambiance, she explains. But that technique did not work for this one, as a result of the planet is totally lined in a thick shroud of clouds or haze.

The recently-launched James Webb Space Telescope, nevertheless, let astronomers have a look at this planet in a brand new method. This telescope detects infrared gentle, which will be regarded as principally warmth.

“What we tried to do was to observe the heat coming off the planet, and we were very successful in doing that,” says Kempton.

The telescope watched because the planet orbited its star, which happens as soon as each 38 hours. “We were able to effectively map out the temperature of the planet on all of its different phases,” says Kempton.

The temperature on the dayside of the planet is about 530 levels Fahrenheit–way too sizzling for any identified life, however nonetheless far colder than the researchers anticipated.

That means as an alternative of absorbing all the vitality coming from its star, this planet should be extremely reflective and capable of scatter again about half of the incoming vitality.

“We didn’t expect the planet to be so reflective, and we actually kind of expected the opposite,” says Kempton.

Scientists had beforehand thought the clouds could be product of some type of darkish, sooty haze, she says, however that does not match with all the sunshine being mirrored.

“That tells us something about what these clouds or hazes in the atmosphere are made of, and that’s really the new big question now,” she says, including that scientists will doubtless begin attempting to create chemical hazes within the lab which have comparable properties, to see what could be taking place.

The telescope additionally noticed indicators that the planet’s ambiance is just not hydrogen-rich, suggesting it is not only a scaled-down Neptune, and there was proof of water vapor and methane.

“We’re pretty confident that there is water there,” says Kempton, who notes that the planet is just too sizzling for water to exist as a liquid.

She says the James Webb Space Telescope must be extra planets on this measurement vary, which can reveal whether or not this one is an oddball or actually consultant of this class of planets.

The new findings fascinated planet researcher Laura Kreidberg, with the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany, who wasn’t a part of this analysis staff however who has used the Hubble Space Telescope to look at GJ 1214b prior to now.

She known as this planet the “white whale” for scientists who research planets exterior our photo voltaic system, simply because it has been so tough to characterize.

“It’s great to finally see some of the secrets revealed,” says Kreidberg. “I certainly didn’t expect the atmosphere to be so shiny. That was not on my radar at all.”

“We’re going to have to go back to the drawing board,” she provides, “to understand why the planet is as shiny as it is.”

She says it actually appears to be like like that is some new type of planet altogether.

“Based on what we’re seeing, it’s more like Neptune than it is like the Earth, but it’s really its own thing,” she says. “Neptune has an atmosphere that’s made mostly out of hydrogen. It looks like GJ 1214b might have an atmosphere that’s made mostly out of water.”

That pushes this planet into “a category of its own in a way that was never certain before,” says Kreidberg. “And so it’s really an in-between, kind of new category of planet that we’re seeing.”

Given that they are so widespread in every single place else within the galaxy, she thinks “it’s actually quite strange that the solar system doesn’t have one.”

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