Home FEATURED NEWS The New Normal? This Socially-Distanced Concert Is What Introverts in India Need

The New Normal? This Socially-Distanced Concert Is What Introverts in India Need

The New Normal? This Socially-Distanced Concert Is What Introverts in India Need


Remember pre-pandemic times when outdoor concerts were a thing?

Going to visit live concerts were every introverts worst nightmare: People shoving to get closer to the stage, standing next to each other, huddled in a crowd with loud music blasting, and people from all sides singing along, and feeling the breath of your neighbor on your skin.

In times of pandemic, concerts have gone virtual – but it still doesn’t beat the thrill of a live performance in person.

The world, however is adapating. Keeping up with the ‘new normal’ a new UK pop-up venue, the Virgin Money Unity Arena, is hosted the first ever socially-distant concert. Some 2,500 fans gathered at the outdoor venue Tuesday for the event.

Groups of up to five were allowed to crowd to watch musician Sam Fender from one of 500 raised metal platforms at the the arena in Gosforth Park, Newcastle in northern England.

Social-distancing in enforced on every step, reports CNN. Cars are parked two meters apart before patrons are guided to their own platformed private viewing areas, while food and drink can be ordered beforehand or via an app for collection or delivery.

Pictures of the concert soon went viral on social media.

While the virus will hopefully go away in times to come, the socially-distant concert seems like the perfect way for introverts to go out and experience live music, without being elbowed in the face on accident. And if there’s seats, well, sign us up!

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