Home FEATURED NEWS The true story of Rabinder Singh, an Indian spy who grew to become a mole for the CIA and vanished into skinny air

The true story of Rabinder Singh, an Indian spy who grew to become a mole for the CIA and vanished into skinny air



From a hidden bunker on a quiet avenue in New Delhi, a undercover agent watches a person ascend the steps of his three-storey residence with a nondescript briefcase in tow.

Inside is a trove of top-secret paperwork taken from India’s exterior intelligence company.

The man is a mole, believed to have been leaking delicate info to a strong ally, as a part of a high-stakes political plot to topple a international enemy.

It’s a scene seemingly ripped from 2023’s headlines — because the mission unfolds, the spy is drawn into an advanced internet of betrayal and hazard, culminating in a daring escape escape throughout borders.

But the true story behind this Netflix thriller got here nearly 20 years earlier than alleged worldwide assassination plots put India’s intelligence companies below the highlight.

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