This Week In Navy Varsity Sports
Overall Record: 0-0
Football (0-0)
Last Week: Idle
This Week: vs. BYU (Monday, 8:00 PM, Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, TV-ESPN, Free Live Video: https://tinyurl.com/y6bxzc5s, Navy Radio Network, Free Live Radio Stream: http://player.listenlive.co/35701). Note: No fans will be in attendance
Intercollegiate Sailing
Last Week: Finished first out of six teams at the Annapolis National Offshore One Design Regatta
This Week: Idle
Offshore Sailing
Last Week: Finished fifth, sixth and ninth out of 16 teams at the Annapolis National Offshore One Design
This Week: Annapolis Yacht Club Labor Day Regatta (Sunday, all day, Annapolis, Md.)
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