Home Health Three more Covid-19 victims die on same day health chiefs sound alarm over rise in cases

Three more Covid-19 victims die on same day health chiefs sound alarm over rise in cases

Three more Covid-19 victims die on same day health chiefs sound alarm over rise in cases


Covid-19 claimed three more victims in Northamptonshire’s two main hospitals on Thursday, on the same day local health chiefs sounded the alarm over a spike in cases.

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Director of Public Health, Lucy Wightman, said: “A lockdown could mean that non-essential shops and businesses are closed and there would be tight restrictions on travel and who people are able to meet with.

“We have also seen a change in the age range of those testing positive for Covid-19 with a larger proportion of positive cases aged in their 20s and 30s

“As people in this age group tend to be more socially active, I am appealing to this section of our communities in particular to follow the additional guidance and help to protect those who are most vulnerable.

“The additional measures we have introduced in Northampton are general good practice and I would urge residents in other areas to also act with caution.

NHS today reported three Covid-19 victims at Northamptonshire’s two main hospitals the most in
a single day since July 16

“The virus is not going away any time soon and we have to take these measures seriously.

“It is also essential that if you experience symptoms of coronavirus — high temperature, continuous cough or loss of / change in sense of smell or taste — that you book a test,”

Health officials also say non-compliant car sharing, social distancing outside areas of work and at bus stops could be contributing to the current rise in cases.

Test appointments for any of the units can be made online by clicking HERE. Eligibility criteria for tests have been extended to include anyone with coronavirus symptoms — new, continuous cough; high temperature; loss of or change in sense of smell or taste. Essential workers will be given a priority.

You must have symptoms for tests to be effective. More guidance can be found HERE.

People who test positive for Covid-19 will be helped by the NHS test and trace service to identify the people they’ve recently been in contact with so they can be alerted.

Anyone who has had close recent contact with someone with coronavirus must then self-isolate for 14 days, if they are advised to do so by the NHS test and trace service, to help contain the spread of infection.


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