Home Latest Thyroid Symptoms: 6 early warning signs of thyroid that women often miss

Thyroid Symptoms: 6 early warning signs of thyroid that women often miss

Thyroid Symptoms: 6 early warning signs of thyroid that women often miss


Just like other organs of the body, controlling and regulating proper thyroid function is quite crucial. The thyroid organ, a butterfly-shaped organ which rests in front of our neck is an organ responsible for production of important hormones, from triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which regulate vital functions such as weight loss, metabolism, energy to maintaining your skin, hair health as well or even affect your body temperature. The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is yet another important hormone which further instructs the thyroid to produce more of T3 and T4 levels. Thus, any flare-up or concerning elevation or lowering down of these important hormones can lead to an overactive or underactive function, and lead to a thyroid disorder.

When the hormonal levels fluctuate abruptly, a range of symptoms could appear, which can be very profound in women and affect other vital functions as well. What should also be remembered is that thyroid is such an impactful organ, which can impact every other organ in the body, and it can be increasingly difficult to tell symptoms apart, especially when you are unaware. Thus, women should be diligently looking for warning signs and symptoms, and take the right care. Some of the symptoms may also require further testing for TSH, T3 and T4 levels and know if what you may be suffering from is hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Having said that, we list some common symptoms to be particularly careful of:


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