Home FEATURED NEWS Tibetans in India help ‘zero COVID’ protesters in China

Tibetans in India help ‘zero COVID’ protesters in China



About 150 Tibetan exiles held up clean items of paper as they rallied in India’s capital on Friday to precise solidarity with individuals in China protesting its “zero COVID” coverage.

The clean paper is an emblem of defiance utilized by some protesters in China in opposition to the ruling Communist Party’s widespread censorship.

Street protests broke out in a number of Chinese cities over the weekend pushed by anger over inflexible restrictions to fight COVID-19. The “zero COVID” coverage seeks to eradicate the virus via sweeping lockdowns, journey restrictions and relentless testing.

Since the protests, some Chinese cities have eased anti-virus restrictions as the federal government tries to defuse public anger.

The demonstration in New Delhi was organized by the Tibetan Youth Congress, which helps the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan non secular chief. It was held at Jantar Mantar, an space designated by authorities for protests close to India’s Parliament constructing.

The protesters referred to as for Chinese President Xi Jinping to step down and chanted “Stop genocide in China” and “Free Tibet, Free China.”

Tenzin Tsundue, a author and member of the Tibetan Youth Congress, stated he was excited that Chinese individuals are talking out in opposition to restrictions and demanding freedom and democracy.

“When protests are happening in China it is important for us to send this message to the people in China that we stand with you,” Tenzin stated.

A lot of Tibetans have been dwelling in exile in India because the Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959 after a failed rebellion in opposition to Chinese management. China doesn’t acknowledge the self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile in India and rejects the Dalai Lama’s quest for larger Tibetan autonomy from Beijing.

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