Home Latest TikTok Is Paying Creators. Not All of Them Are Happy

TikTok Is Paying Creators. Not All of Them Are Happy

TikTok Is Paying Creators. Not All of Them Are Happy


In July, when TikTok announced it was launching a $200 million fund to compensate creators, many of the platform’s stars were elated. While the specifics weren’t totally clear, the fund appeared to be an exciting opportunity to make a living doing what they love. Vanessa Pappas, now the company’s interim CEO, said the money would support “ambitious creators seeking opportunities to foster a livelihood through their innovative content.” After receiving an “incredible response,” TikTok later said the fund would grow to $1 billion in the US over the next three years, and double that globally.

One month after the program formally launched, some TikTok influencers say they’re disappointed with how the Creator Fund has panned out. Creators have complained on social media that they’re earning only a few dollars a day, even if their videos rack up tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of views. TikTok has not explained exactly how it calculates payouts.

The lack of transparency around the program, as with past TikTok efforts, has led to theories and speculation. Three creators who spoke with WIRED say they noticed their views drop after they joined the fund, and they wondered whether TikTok was intentionally limiting their reach to cap how much they could earn. Two of them have since opted out of the program entirely.

“I ended up leaving the Creator Fund. I’d much rather my followers see my videos than make a few cents on views,” says Tiana E., a TikTok influencer with over 50,000 followers. “I’m disappointed with the way it hurt people more than helped. I hope TikTok will do the right thing and make changes to the Creator Fund that will benefit their smaller creators as well.”

Some creators asked to remain anonymous because they believed the terms and conditions of the Creator Fund prohibit them from speaking about the program publicly, including to the press. TikTok’s agreement with creators says they must keep strictly confidential “the details of any reporting metrics that may be provided by TikTok” or “other non-public information contained or resulting from this program.”

TikTok declined to say whether the agreement forbids creators from speaking to the media. “Creators have already started sharing their thoughts about the program on TikTok as well as with members of the press,” Amelia Lukiman, a spokesperson for the company, said in an email. “Our priority is on continuing to optimize the program and improve the overall experience for creators.”

Lukiman says that any decrease in views creators have noticed since joining the Creator Fund is purely coincidental and not a result of their participation. TikTok also denied that creators in the program are held to a different standard of content moderation, another theory that was shared with WIRED. One influencer, who has roughly 100,000 followers, says that TikTok recently took down a video of an innocuous painting for unclear reasons; the company does not currently tell users which guidelines they violated. “The same day I got off of the program, I appealed the violation [and] got my video back up,” they told WIRED. TikTok says it’s working on ways to better explain Community Guidelines violations to users.

“Since launching the Creator Fund almost a month ago, we have been reading the comments and feedback submitted by creators that are part of the program,” Lukiman said. “We are working on a number of resources to help dispel myths and rumors about the fund, and in the meantime encourage creators to continue sharing feedback with us.”

To be eligible for the Creator Fund, TikTok users must be at least 18 years old, have a minimum of 10,000 followers, and have accrued at least 10,000 video views in the previous 30 days before they apply. The creators WIRED spoke to said the application process was seamless, but once they made it into the program it wasn’t clear how much they might earn. Last month, Business Insider reported that one creator was earning roughly 4 cents for every 1,000 views his videos received. TikTok says that views are only one metric it takes into consideration when distributing payments. Other factors include video engagement and the region where the video was seen. “Calculated funds are therefore dynamic and based on several factors, as a portion of the total Creator Fund,” Lukiman says.


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