Home Health Tips And Tricks To Tackle Bloating Naturally: Luke Coutinho Reveals

Tips And Tricks To Tackle Bloating Naturally: Luke Coutinho Reveals

Tips And Tricks To Tackle Bloating Naturally: Luke Coutinho Reveals


Bloating is a discomforting situation that impacts numerous people worldwide. Whether it is an occasional inconvenience or a persistent challenge, bloating can considerably affect our every day lives and total well-being. From the tightness in our stomach to the sensation of fullness and even the seen swelling, bloating could be each bodily and emotionally distressing. While varied elements contribute to bloating, together with life-style decisions, one side that warrants shut consideration is our eating regimen. Eating meals in incorrect combos, consuming an excessive amount of, not chewing effectively, not cooking meals the best manner, compromised digestion, sedentary life-style, lack of sleep, ingesting too much less water, overdosing on alcohol or having meals loaded with salt and preservatives can all make us feel and look puffy.

What Can Cause Excessive Bloating? | Reasons For Bloating

1. Too Much Fibre:

While fibre is important for a wholesome digestive system, consuming extreme quantities of it could trigger bloating, particularly for people who are usually not used to a high-fibre eating regimen. Fibre-rich meals like beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, and complete grains could be troublesome to digest and ferment within the intestine, resulting in gasoline and bloating. If you are growing your fibre consumption, it is essential to take action steadily and drink loads of water to assist with digestion.

2. Alcohol:

Alcohol is a identified offender for inflicting bloating and discomfort in lots of people. It can contribute to bloating in a number of methods. Firstly, alcohol can irritate the digestive system and trigger irritation, resulting in bloating. Secondly, alcohol can promote water retention, inflicting your physique to retain fluids and really feel bloated. Lastly, alcoholic drinks usually comprise carbonation, which may additional contribute to bloating and gasoline.

Also Read: 3 Silly Mistakes That Makes You Bloat After Meals – Expert Reveals


Go gradual on alcohol in the event you regularly expertise bloating. Photo Credit: iStock

3. Overdoing Refined Salt:

Consuming extreme quantities of refined salt may also contribute to bloating. Sodium, the principle element of salt, may cause water retention within the physique, resulting in bloating and puffiness. Processed and packaged meals, similar to snacks, canned soups, and quick meals, are sometimes excessive in refined salt. By lowering your consumption of processed meals and choosing contemporary, complete meals, you possibly can decrease your sodium consumption and doubtlessly cut back bloating.

Slow down your tempo of consuming. When we eat our meals too shortly, we fail to make use of our enamel to interrupt down meals into smaller particles and ship partially digested and bigger chunks of meals into our stomachs. This results in our stomach producing extra acid and enzymes to interrupt down meals than our mouth ought to have. This paves the way in which for acidity and indigestion. Furthermore, these undigested items of meals additional journey right down to our small gut. These items of meals irritate the mucosal linings of the gut inflicting intestine irritation, bloating, extra acidity and upsetting the intestine microbiome.

Here Are Some Spices That Can Relieve Bloating Naturally:

1. Carminative spices:

Spices like cumin (jeera), black pepper (kali mirch), bishop’s weed (ajwain), fennel seeds (saunf), thyme and parsley have carminative properties, that means they forestall flatulence by supporting the digestion of meals that are in any other case robust to digest and may type gasses in people who’ve weak intestine well being. In conventional methods of Indian cooking, these spices are anyway part of the recipe, however even the straightforward Indian observe of chewing fennel seeds or saunf after meals may also help forestall or ease bloating. Plus, it is a mouth freshener!

Also Read: Feel Bloated After Meals? 5 Nutritionist-Approved Drinks That May Help


Make a detox water or anti-bloat tea to assist your digestive system recuperate. Photo: iStock

2. Ginger:

Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory and digestive properties that may assist cut back bloating. It helps stimulate the digestive system, promotes gastric emptying, and reduces irritation within the intestine. Ayurveda considers ginger as a ‘digestive hearth’ booster that aids in digestion and reduces bloating.

3. Hing/Asafoetida:

Hing, a magical spice present in each Indian kitchen, holds a revered place in Ayurveda and has been cherished for generations. This exceptional ingredient, often called asafoetida, possesses spectacular anti-bloating properties. It comes as no shock that hing is extensively embraced in conventional Indian cooking, particularly within the type of tadkas (tempering) added to dals and pulses, which may in any other case be difficult to digest for people with weak digestive techniques. Throughout historical past, hing golis, post-digestive tablets containing asafoetida, have been trusted allies in offering reduction from bloating. We additionally advocate mixing a pinch of hing in lukewarm water and consuming it 30-40 minutes after meals to alleviate bloating in inclined people.

Anti-Bloat Tea Recipe By Integrative Lifestyle Expert Luke Coutinho

Nature has endowed us with sure herbs and spices that work as pure diuretics. Coriander seed is certainly one of them. Even a easy brew of coriander seed may also help flush out extra and trapped water out of your system making you are feeling higher.

Here’s one recipe that works effectively for our sufferers –


  • 1 litre of water within the Jar / Glass
  • 2 tbsp Jeera
  • 1 tbsp Coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp Fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp Ajwain


– Soak in a single day, boil the water within the morning and cut back it to half. Make it like an infusion. Strain it and add it to a different bottle.

– Sip all through the day.

Also Read: 5 Tips To Avoid Overeating During Shadi Season And Avoid Bloating


Jeera too could be a wonderful pure treatment for bloating. Photo: iStock

It’s essential to acknowledge that digestive well being can fluctuate from individual to individual. While gluten (wheat) might result in important bloating for some people, it could not have the identical impact on others. Similarly, some people might tolerate chana and legumes effectively, whereas even a small serving might trigger bloating for others. It turns into essential to determine your triggers on the subject of bloating and make the suitable changes to your eating regimen, cooking strategies, and total life-style accordingly.

The cooking technique used may also play a big position in whether or not an individual experiences bloating or not. Therefore, cooking meals in a way that aligns with pure rules is crucial. For occasion, some people complain of bloating after consuming rajma and chana, nevertheless it’s not essentially indicative of the meals is dangerous. It’s attainable that the cooking course of might have been flawed. Our conventional knowledge emphasizes the significance of soaking dals and pulses, and there may be a lot to be gained from following this observe. Not solely does soaking make these legumes simpler to digest, nevertheless it additionally helps to scale back the leaching of lectins and anti-nutrients to some extent.

Another essential side is chewing. Whatever you select to eat, any meals merchandise generally is a set off for bloating if it isn’t chewed effectively. So, step one in the direction of enhancing digestion and addressing bloating points must be conscious chewing.

About Author: Luke Coutinho practices within the fields of Holistic Nutrition, Lifestyle and Integrative Medicine.

Disclaimer: This content material together with recommendation supplies generic info solely. It is on no account an alternative choice to certified medical opinion. Always seek the advice of a specialist or your individual physician for extra info. NDTV doesn’t declare accountability for this info.

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