Home Latest Top 10 world news: China-Taiwan tensions, Nobel Economics prize and more

Top 10 world news: China-Taiwan tensions, Nobel Economics prize and more

Top 10 world news: China-Taiwan tensions, Nobel Economics prize and more


Even as tensions with Taiwan rise, China says it has conducted a series of beach landing and assault exercises near the island nation. Meanwhile, as part of the annual AEOI exercise, the Indian government has received a third set of Swiss bank account information, and in what is seen as a major milestone in the Indian government’s fight against black money allegedly stashed abroad, for the first time this year, Switzerland has also agreed to share information about foreigners’ real estate holdings there. In other news, Instagram has announced two new tools aiming to protect teenagers from harmful content.

Click on the headlines to read more:

Chinese military conducts beach landing drills near Taiwan

Amid tensions with Taiwan, China claims to have conducted a series of beach landing and assault exercises in the southern province of Fujian.

India gets third set of Swiss bank details; mostly businessmen, NRI’s

 As part of the annual AEOI exercise, India has received its third set of Swiss bank account information. On the condition of anonymity, officials have revealed that the details relate mostly to businessmen.

Tunisia president appoints new government nearly 3 months after power grab

Tunisian President Kais Saied has appointed a new government, 11 weeks after he fired the last one in a controversial power grab amid acute economic and political crises.  

China rust-belt province warns of more shortages in energy crisis

Liaoning, the largest provincial economy in China’s northeast rust belt has warned of worsening power shortages despite government efforts to boost coal supply and manage electricity use in a post-pandemic energy crisis hitting multiple countries.

China floods: More than 1.76 million people affected by severe flooding

In China’s northern Shanxi province, more than 1.76 million people have been affected by severe flooding. Last week, heavy rains caused houses to collapse and landslides in more than 70 districts and cities of the province.  

Environmentalists tell Australia, it ‘needs more efforts to halt biodiversity decline’


Amid increasing concern that biodiversity is declining in Australia, environmentalists have urged the Australian government to do more in order to stem a decline in biodiversity.

Kremlin decries ‘high’ COVID-19 deaths, rejects new measures

Despite rejecting new restrictions so as to protect the economy, the Kremlin has described Russia’s Covid fatality rate as “high” and its vaccination rate as “unacceptably” low.  

Nobel Economics Prize awarded to David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens

This year’s Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel or the Nobel Economics Prize has been awarded one half to David Card and the other half jointly to Joshua D. Angrist and Guido W. Imbens.

AstraZeneca’s new vaccine trial aims to treat severe COVID-19 symptoms

An AstraZeneca trial aimed at treating COVID-19 symptoms has achieved positive results. In patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms of COVID-19, AstraZeneca’s drug combination which is two antibodies led to a significantly lower risk of severe symptoms or death.  

Instagram to roll out 2 tools to protect teens from harmful posts

After whistleblower Frances Haugen’s testimony before US Congress last week, that Instagram can negatively impact teenagers’ mental health, Facebook-owned Instagram is about to launch two new tools to protect teenagers from harmful content.


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