Home Latest Top 10 world news: Taliban’s new government, Coronavirus variant ‘Mu’ and more

Top 10 world news: Taliban’s new government, Coronavirus variant ‘Mu’ and more

Top 10 world news: Taliban’s new government, Coronavirus variant ‘Mu’ and more


Transitioning from an insurgent group to governing power, the Taliban has announced key members of its government in Afghanistan. Veteran Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund is the leader of their new government, while Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar will be his deputy.

In other news, a new coronavirus variant “Mu” which has been categorised as Variant of Interest (VOI) by the World Health Organization, has spread to 49 states in the United States.

Breaking: Listed terrorists among Taliban’s new government

New Taliban government

Here’s who made it to the Taliban’s new government in Afghanistan.

New ‘Mu’ coronavirus variant spreads to 49 US states

According to reports, the “Mu” coronavirus variant which was first discovered in Columbia has spread to 49 states in the United States.

EXCLUSIVE: Pakistan will face consequences of its actions in Afghanistan, warns ex-Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

In light of reports suggesting Pakistan had helped the Taliban smash resistance in Panjshir, former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned Islamabad its actions in the near future would haunt it, in which he predicted the militant group would threaten Pakistani sovereignty and government.

US-built databases a potential tool of Taliban repression

Over two decades, the United States and its allies spent hundreds of millions of dollars building databases for the Afghan people, data which has now apparently fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

After dropping all charges, Myanmar army frees notorious anti-Muslim monk

Ashin Wirathu, a nationalist Buddhist monk known for his anti-Muslim rantings, has been released by Myanmar’s military after all the charges leveled against him, by the deposed Aung San Suu Kyi government were dropped.

Xi appoints new army commander to lead PLA troops at Indo-China border

The People’s Liberation Army’s Western Theatre Command has a new commander – Gen Wang Haijiang, as reported by official Chinese media.

Chancellor Merkel rebukes deputy Scholz, says vaccinated aren’t ‘guinea pigs’

In a remark to publicly slam top rival politician SDP leader Olaf Scholz’s comments over people, who have been inoculated against COVID-19, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said vaccinated aren’t ‘guinea pigs’.  

Brazil: Bolsonaro issues decree modifying social media moderation rules

Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s president, has announced new rules for the moderation of social media content, which critics claim might hinder the fight against disinformation.

Italy’s life expectancy drops amid COVID-19 battle

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the average life expectancy in Italy has fallen by 1.2 years 

Taliban fire shots to disperse anti-Pakistan rally in Kabul


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