Home Latest Top 10 world news: US admits mistake, clashes in Australia, toss-up between Laxman and Kumble for head coach & more

Top 10 world news: US admits mistake, clashes in Australia, toss-up between Laxman and Kumble for head coach & more

Top 10 world news: US admits mistake, clashes in Australia, toss-up between Laxman and Kumble for head coach & more


US Central Command commander General Kenneth McKenzie has admitted that the country made a “mistake” by launching a drone airstrike in Kabul’s residential area on August 29, which had killed 10 civilians, including children. The General made these comments after WION surveyed the attacked area and interviewed the remaining civilians of the house. The investigative report, which WION was the first to do, hinted at deaths of civilians rather than terrorists. In other news, the recalled French ambassador to Australia, Jean-Pierre Thebault, left the embassy in Canberra on Saturday. He has reached Sydney Airport. The envoy called the surprise cancellation of a submarine contract with France in favour of a US deal “a huge mistake.”  

‘We apologise’: US admits Kabul airstrike killed 10 civilians, not ISIS-K militants

The US had also claimed that a second attack had taken place immediately after their strike which proved that the vehicle was loaded with explosives. However, an investigation by media houses proved there was no evidence to support claims of a second blast.

Aukus deal: Recalled French envoy leaves embassy in Australia, reaches airport

On Friday, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian confirmed that the decision to recall ambassadors from the US and Australia was taken due to “the exceptional seriousness of the announcements made on September 15 by Australia and the United States”.

UK aid cuts make it important to address anti-black bias in funding

A new research by the Vodafone Foundation has revealed that too often, only a small proportion of philanthropic funding earmarked for African development reaches local, African-led civil society organisations. This is because most development funding favours intermediaries in the global north and international organisations.

Australia: Violent clash breaks out between police and anti-lockdown protestors

A huge crowd gathered outside the town hall on Bridge Rd on Sunday. While they chanted their slogans against the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the local police started hushing them away.This led to a violent clash between the police and protestors and the local officers started using pepper spray on demonstrators

Hidden agenda behind deal France called a betrayal

Macron’s decision was a stunning and unexpected escalation of the breach between Washington and Paris, on a day that the two countries had planned to celebrate an alliance that goes back to the defeat of Britain in the Revolutionary War. Yet it was driven by France’s realization that two of its closest allies have been negotiating secretly for months. 


Since 1950s, coral cover reduced by half in world, finds report  

From the Great Barrier Reef in Australia to the Saya de Malha Bank in Indian Ocean, coral reefs and the diversity of fish species they support are in a steep decline. The trend looks to continue as the planet continues to heat up in the 21st century.  

Covaxin’s wait continues as WHO delays emergency use again

The SAGE session of the specialised agency of the United Nations will recommend EUA based on the clinical on Covaxin from Phase 1, 2, and 3 trials. The session will also consider the post-marketing studies on safety, immunogenicity, efficacy, and effectiveness

Anil Kumble or VVS Laxman? Who is the frontrunner to succeed Ravi Shastri as India’s head coach?

So far, Shastri has overseen two Test series victories in Australia, although the side crashed out in the semi-finals of the 2019 World Cup in England.  Reports have been circulating that BCCI might ask Anil Kumble and VVS Laxman to apply for the post of head coach of the Indian team. 

To defend ‘values’, thousands march against traditional hunting ban in France

The demonstrators marched under driving rain while wearing bright orange, which is the colour of hunters’ jackets. Further up in Brittany, a protest was also carried out in Redon and other areas too. As per activists, around 150,000 birds die annually in France from non-selective hunting techniques

UK eases Covid travel restrictions for fully vaccinated travellers

UK will also put a stop at the pre-departure tests that the travellers have to go through before arriving in the UK. This will be applicable for fully-vaccinated people entering the UK from the countries which are not on the red list. This has come as a piece of good news for Indians who have had to take longer and more complicated routes to reach to the UK.


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