Home Latest TSTC Mechatronics Technology offers degree for thriving job market

TSTC Mechatronics Technology offers degree for thriving job market

TSTC Mechatronics Technology offers degree for thriving job market


Some of the lab equipment used to teach Mechatronics Technology at TSTC. Courtesy: Eldwin Leija

Digital circuits, manufacturing robotics and electromechanical systems are only a few of the hands-on courses that students will take when they study Mechatronics Technology at Texas State Technical College.

Lead mechatronics instructor Eldwin Leija, who has taught at TSTC for nine years, talked about the importance of mechatronics.

“Mechatronics is the study and use of multiple disciplines,” he said. “It can range from industrial maintenance to industrial robotics technology and process controls. We help maintain the equipment that helps make the products we use every single day.”

TSTC prides itself on a dedicated learning experience that trains graduates to be ready to work on day one — an important program characteristic.

“We have a solid curriculum, supplemented with industry-relevant equipment,” Leija said. “Even during these times, we have managed to have hands-on labs on the TSTC campus while strictly following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 regulations. Our teaching staff has years of industry experience related to what we are teaching. When students graduate, we top that off by helping them find a career in what they studied.”

Leija reiterated that despite these unforeseen times, the need for mechatronics technicians will not disappear.

“As long as the world needs gasoline, oil, natural gas and manufactured goods, such as food packaging, clothes, makeup, bottled water and vehicles, mechatronics technicians will always be in demand,” he said.

Registration for the fall semester is underway. For more information, visit tstc.edu.


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