Home Health ‘Two Indian companies in clinical trial phase for Covid-19 vaccine’: Health minister

‘Two Indian companies in clinical trial phase for Covid-19 vaccine’: Health minister

‘Two Indian companies in clinical trial phase for Covid-19 vaccine’: Health minister


India has put up a strong fight against Covid-19 and continues to battle the pandemic with determination, Union health minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said during the launch of Compendium on ‘CSIR Technologies for Covid-19 Mitigation’ on Friday.

Dr Vardhan hailed the technological advancements and innovations by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) against Covid-19 and lauded the hard work put in by the country’s scientists and experts.

“The Compendium covers a wide range of technologies and products for fighting Covid-19, spanning diagnostics, drugs, ventilators and PPEs using more than 100 technologies and 93 industry partners. Over 60 of these technologies have been transferred for commercial production,” he said.

Talking about the Covid-19 situation in the country, he said India is not behind in fighting the virus. “We have fought the pandemic in full force. Two Indian companies have reached the clinical trial phase for Covid-19 vaccine. It is a matter of pride,” the minister said.

The minister said that as a result of the country’s collective fight against the virus, India has one of the best Covid-19 recovery rates, around 64% in the world while the fatality rate is also quite low.

Dr Vardhan said that India as been supplying hydroxychloroquine to around 150 nations. “The virus is unpredictable, but we have been making strong effort to battle it,” he said.

The health minister emphasised the improving rate of Covid-19 recovery in the country and said that over 10 lakh patients across India have beaten the virus.

“Others on a road to recovery as well,” he said.


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