Home Latest UAE condemns Israeli floor operations in Gaza: ‘Immediate ceasefire needed’

UAE condemns Israeli floor operations in Gaza: ‘Immediate ceasefire needed’

UAE condemns Israeli floor operations in Gaza: ‘Immediate ceasefire needed’


The UAE has condemned the bottom operations by Israel within the occupied Gaza Strip, and expressed its deep concern over the Israeli navy escalation and exacerbation of the humanitarian disaster that threatens extra lack of civilian lives.

Israel-Hamas War: Palestinians seek for casualties on the website of Israeli strikes on homes, in Gaza City.(Reuters)

In a press release, UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) reaffirmed the necessity for a direct ceasefire to make sure that civilians and civilian establishments aren’t focused. The Ministry additional underlined the significance of the safety of civilians, in keeping with worldwide humanitarian legislation, worldwide treaties for the safety of civilians and human rights, and the necessity to make sure that they aren’t focused throughout battle.

Furthermore, the Ministry harassed the significance of the United Nations General Assembly decision, overwhelmingly adopted on Friday, which requires a “humanitarian truce” in Gaza and a cessation of hostilities. The Ministry underscored that the decision is a crucial step in the direction of de-escalation, restoring calm, defending civilians and preserving their lives.

The Ministry underlined that the pressing precedence is to finish the escalation of navy operations and defend civilians, in addition to make sure the opening of humanitarian reduction corridors and the fast, secure, sustainable, and unhindered supply of humanitarian help.

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