BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. (WV News) — The Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs has awarded programmatic accreditation to the Ultrasound Technology Program at WVU Medicine United Hospital Center.
“The rigorous process to achieve the CAAHEP accreditation recognizes UHC’s substantial compliance with the nationally established accreditation standards,” said Rosemary Trupo, R.T. (R) R.D.M.S., M.B.A., education coordinator/program director of the Radiologic Technology and Diagnostic Medical Sonography Programs at UHC. “Receiving the CAAHEP accreditation simply validates the program quality at UHC and our commitment to excellence.”
United Hospital Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program is an 18-month educational program that integrates didactic and clinical experiences. The program is accredited for vascular, abdomen-extended, obstetric and gynecologic concentrations by the CAAHEP upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
The CAAHEP is the largest programmatic accreditor of the health sciences professions. CAAHEP accredits educational programs that prepare health professionals in a variety of disciplinary areas. CAAHEP accredited programs are assessed on an ongoing basis to assure that each meet the Standards and Guidelines.
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