Home Health UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO Regional Directors name for speedy motion to halt assaults on well being care in Gaza

UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO Regional Directors name for speedy motion to halt assaults on well being care in Gaza

UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO Regional Directors name for speedy motion to halt assaults on well being care in Gaza


Statement by Ms. Laila Baker, UNFPA Arab States Regional Director; Ms. Adele Khodr, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa; Dr. Ahmed Al-Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean

More than half of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip are closed. Those still functioning are under massive strain and can only provide very limited life-saving surgeries and intensive care services.Photo credit: WHOMore than half of the hospitals within the Gaza Strip are closed. Those nonetheless functioning are beneath large pressure and might solely present very restricted life-saving surgical procedures and intensive care providers. Photo credit score: WHO

12 November 2023, Cairo/Amman — The regional administrators of UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO name for pressing worldwide motion to finish the continued assaults on hospitals in Gaza.

We are horrified on the newest stories of assaults on and within the neighborhood of Al-Shifa Hospital, Al-Rantissi Naser Paediatric Hospital, Al-Quds Hospital, and others in Gaza metropolis and northern Gaza, killing many, together with kids. Intense hostilities surrounding a number of hospitals in northern Gaza are stopping protected entry for well being employees, the injured, and different sufferers.

Premature and new-born infants on life assist are reportedly dying resulting from energy, oxygen, and water cuts at Al-Shifa Hospital, whereas others are in danger. Staff throughout quite a lot of hospitals are reporting lack of gasoline, water and fundamental medical provides, placing the lives of all sufferers at speedy threat.

Over the previous 36 days, WHO has recorded at the least 137 assaults on well being care in Gaza, leading to 521 deaths and 686 accidents, together with 16 deaths and 38 accidents of well being staff on obligation.

Attacks on medical amenities and civilians are unacceptable and are a violation of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law and Conventions. They can’t be condoned. The proper to hunt medical help, particularly in occasions of disaster, ought to by no means be denied.

More than half of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip are closed. Those still functioning are under massive strain and can only provide very limited life-saving surgeries and intensive care services. Photo credit: WHOMore than half of the hospitals within the Gaza Strip are closed. Those nonetheless functioning are beneath large pressure and might solely present very restricted life-saving surgical procedures and intensive care providers. Photo credit score: WHO

More than half of the hospitals within the Gaza Strip are closed. Those nonetheless functioning are beneath large pressure and might solely present very restricted emergency providers, lifesaving surgical procedure and intensive care providers. Shortages of water, meals, and gasoline are additionally threatening the wellbeing of hundreds of displaced individuals, together with girls and youngsters, who’re sheltering in hospitals and their surrounds.

The world can’t stand silent whereas hospitals, which needs to be protected havens, are reworked into scenes of loss of life, devastation, and despair. Decisive worldwide motion is required now to safe a right away humanitarian ceasefire and forestall additional lack of life, and protect what’s left of the well being care system in Gaza. Unimpeded, protected and sustained entry is required now to supply gasoline, medical provides and water for these lifesaving providers. The violence should finish now.

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