Home Latest UNIFIED SPORTS: Winning decision by Dunkirk board

UNIFIED SPORTS: Winning decision by Dunkirk board

UNIFIED SPORTS: Winning decision by Dunkirk board


Anyone who has taken part or attended a unified sporting event understands the magic that comes with it. During last month, Dunkirk’s school board agreed to be in the growing program.

Doug Ames, Section 6 unified sports program, called the mix of special and general education students on basketball courts and bowling alleys “something you’re going to absolutely love and embrace. …This is so rewarding to have for your community.

“Honest to God, it’ll bring tears to your eyes when you see some of the kids play basketball or bowl,” he noted.

How true it is.

Locally, both Silver Creek and Fredonia have had active teams and programs. Adding to what makes this so special is the positive atmosphere. It’s not all about winning and losing — it is truly about participation.

It also brings a sense of team and togetherness, which can be seen on social media sites.

With Dunkirk joining the program, there are now 43 teams in Section 6 involved. That’s a winning combination.

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