Home Latest UPSC Prelims 2021: Paper 1 stressed on sports, environment and other subjects

UPSC Prelims 2021: Paper 1 stressed on sports, environment and other subjects

UPSC Prelims 2021: Paper 1 stressed on sports, environment and other subjects


The first paper of Union Public Services Commission, UPSC Prelims 2021 ended at 11:30 am today. The duration of the exam was two hours and subjects included in Paper 1, GS (General Studies) were History, Geography, Polity, Economics, Science and Technology, and Current Affairs.

The initial reaction to the exam was that there were many questions on Sports as well as conceptual reactions in Polity. It was also felt that ‘’different types of questions were asked in History, while quite a bit of stress was found to be on the questions on Environment. FPJ will provide a detailed report once the second paper is done.

The second paper, CSAT started at 2:30 pm today and will end at 4:30 pm. There will be multiple choice questions in this paper consisting of 80 questions in all of English Reasoning and Mathematics. Each question carries 2.5 marks. In order to qualify for paper 2, aspirants must score 33% marks.

It is estimated that some 10 lakh students are appearing for UPSC Prelims this year. The preliminary exam is the first out of three stages of the UPSC exam. The next which is the Mains exam will be held in January 2022. The Mains exam is followed by the Personality Development Test (interview).

The UPSC prelim exam, 2021 is being held in 77 centres across India.

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Published on: Sunday, October 10, 2021, 04:40 PM IST


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