Home Latest US Presidential election 2020 LIVE: Joe Biden corners Trump, says everyone knows he’s a liar

US Presidential election 2020 LIVE: Joe Biden corners Trump, says everyone knows he’s a liar

US Presidential election 2020 LIVE: Joe Biden corners Trump, says everyone knows he’s a liar


Presenting a spectacle just 35 days ahead of the biggest elections across the globe this year, President Donald Trump and his democratic challenger are engaging in their significant round of debate on Wednesday.

There was no handshake as the two men took the stage and while this was due to Covid-19 restrictions, the absence of the traditional greeting symbolized the bitterness engulfing the country in the final countdown to November 3.

Before they’d even met on the stage in Cleveland for the first of three 90-minute live television showdowns, Biden made public his tax returns to capitalize on revelations that the billionaire Trump avoided paying almost any federal income taxes for years.

Here are the live updates:

– Donald Trump and Joe Biden take stage in first presidential debate

– ‘How you doing, man?’: Joe Biden greeted President Trump at the start of their first debate, where they adhered to social distancing protocols by not shaking hands

– Trump, Biden spar over Barrett’s nomination

Donald Trump said that he had the right to choose a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, while former Vice President Joe Biden alleged the president’s nominee would end health coverage for millions of people as they opened their first debate.

“We won the election,” Trump said in answer to the first question, about his nominee Amy Coney Barrett. “Elections have consequences. We have the Senate, we have the White House and we have a phenomenal nominee.”

– Trump on nominating Amy Coney Barret: “We won the election. Elections have consequences,” said Trump. “We have the Senate. We have the White House and we have a phenomenal nominee, respected by all.”

– Trump on Obamacare: No matter how well you run it, Obamacare is a disaster




 – At first presidential debate, Joe Biden says ‘everybody knows Trump is a liar’

Democratic challenger Joe Biden on Tuesday branded President Donald Trump a liar and told him to “shut up” as the pair clashed in a bad-tempered start to their first televised debate.

“The fact is that everything he is saying so far is simply a lie. I’m not here to call out his lies. Everybody knows he’s a liar,” Biden said.


Biden, told by Trump that he has adopted former Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders’ “socialized medicine” proposals: “Everybody here knows he’s a liar. … You picked the wrong guy on the wrong night at the wrong time.”

“… Folks, do you have any idea what this clown’s doing? I tell you what, he is not for anybody needing healthcare.”

After Trump explained his health proposal, Biden said, “He has no plan for healthcare. … The fact is this man has no idea what he’s talking about.”

At another point, while being interrupted by Trump, Biden said, “Will you shut up, man. This is so unpresidential. … Keep yapping, man.”


– At presidential debate, Biden says Trump has no healthcare plan as over 7 million in US have contracted Covid-19

– Joe Biden calls Donald Trump a ‘clown’ as candidates spar in first debate

“Folks, do you have any idea what this clown is trying to do?” Biden said to Americans as Trump talked over him. “Will you shut up, man,” he grumbled moments later.

– Trump fires back at Biden at presidential debate on tackling Covid-19

Cornering Biden, Trump said, ‘You could never have done the job we’ve done. You don’t have it in your blood’

– Responding to New York Times report on his tax returns in the debate, Trump claims he paid $750 tax the year he was elected. His counterpart Biden then asked the President to show his tax returns.

On Trump’s rallies

– President Donald Trump says he’s had “no negative effect” from massive campaign rallies with thousands of attendees not adhering to social distancing recommendations amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


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