Home Latest ‘Use technology to boost education qualities’ – Punch Newspapers

‘Use technology to boost education qualities’ – Punch Newspapers

‘Use technology to boost education qualities’ – Punch Newspapers


An educational institution, the Bridge Nigeria, has advised stakeholders to infuse technology in teaching to improve education qualities.

Speaking after capacity training for Bridge teachers on the use of technology in teaching, a supervisor at the school, Mr James Oluwaseyi, said the use of technology in teaching was key to education recovery.

Oluwaseyi, who also congratulated teachers on World Teachers Day, said teachers must do a lot to drive education.

Tuesday (today) is 2021 World Teachers Day with the theme, ‘Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery.’

The supervisor said, “The training is relevant to the theme of the World Teachers Day because it has exposed our teachers to the technology that they can use to drive education. Generally, teachers are the most important because it is what they know that they will impart.

“There should be focus on teachers, especially in the area of training, support and encouragement. We should focus more on the use of technology to drive teaching in schools.  It is important that the use of technology is adopted by teachers while teaching pupils as it helps learners learn faster and appropriately.”

Oluwaseyi said teachers at Bridge were usually trained with the use of tablets and were each given one to replace lesson note.

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