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Using Virtual Technology to ‘Amaze the Viewer’

Using Virtual Technology to ‘Amaze the Viewer’


The beginning of the pandemic brought empty sports stadiums around the world. Even when the teams began to return to the playing field, the fans weren’t allowed back in the stands — at least not actual fans. Some production companies were able to create virtual fans, though similar technology was already in use before the COVID-19 breakout to enhance what the viewer was seeing at home. With the adoption of 5G wireless technology, smart phone users didn’t have to miss out either.

“We have been leveraging AI — artificial intelligence — to enhance the way we can bring the augmented reality experience to the audience,” said Thibault Baras, general manager of Dreamwall, which has been working with virtual and augmented reality technology for more than 20 years. “This has included different content, from virtual fireworks to virtual zeppelins that can fly overhead in a stadium.”


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