Home Latest Veterans Voice: Still looking for MIAs around the world

Veterans Voice: Still looking for MIAs around the world

Veterans Voice: Still looking for MIAs around the world


Those who grew up in the 1970s remember the POW/MIA bracelets that Voices in Vital America created and distributed during the Vietnam War.

The simple nickel-plated bands cost $2.50 each (or $3 for a copper version) and held the name, rank and date of loss of prisoners of war and those missing in action. The metal cuff was intended to be worn until the person named on it was accounted for, regardless of the time that elapsed.

More than 5 million bands were sold by 1975. With 1,246 Department of Defense personnel from the Vietnam War still missing, how many Americans still wear these bracelets and think about the lives they represent?

The third Friday of September has been designated POW/MIA Recognition Day. In a proclamation signed by Gov. Gina Raimondo in 2019 commemorating the day, she said, “We will never forget the bravery and sacrifice of those who have served our country, and always support our nation’s efforts to account for our missing, alive and dead, and return them to the United States.”

She also mentioned six Rhode Island servicemen from the Vietnam War that are still among the missing.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency identifies those Rhode Island MIAs as Navy Cmdr. Laurent Norbert Dion of Providence (missing in North Vietnam, 1967); Air Force Maj. Curtis Abbot Eaton of Wakefield (North Vietnam, 1966); Army 1st Lt. Kenneth B. Goff of Warwick (South Vietnam, 1967); Air Force Capt. George Henry Jourdenais of Central Falls (South Vietnam, 1967); Army PFC James Michael Ray (South Vietnam, 1968); and Navy Lt. JG Edward Brendan Shaw of Cranston (North Vietnam, 1965).

As we recognize the 45 years that have elapsed since the end of the Vietnam War, we need to remember the six Rhode Island families who are still awaiting the return of their loved ones.

The U.S. government continues its recovery efforts to this day. Through the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, it continues to search for missing personnel around the world. More than 81,900 Americans remain missing from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War and the Gulf Wars.

In Vietnam, four joint field activities were conducted last fiscal year. During the first quarter of 2020, recovery teams excavated sites in Quang Binh, Ha Tinh and Quan Ninh Provinces before COVID-19 hit Vietnam.

The virus suspended the joint excavation, but three all-Vietnamese recovery teams continued, searching sites in Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, and Quang Binh Provinces.

The black ink on most MIA POW bracelets has probably worn off, and many have been tucked away in drawers over time. But the names and dates are still etched in people’s minds.

With the approach of POW MIA Recognition Day, start a conversation by wearing your bracelet once again. Share your thoughts on social media, and start a discussion with your community. And take the time to mail a letter to the family of the POW/MIA for whom you wear your bracelet to let them know that you are acknowledging their loved one’s sacrifice on Sept. 18.

Letters can be sent to families by addressing them to “The family of NAME,” c/o the Department of Defense, Defense Prisoner Of War/Missing Personnel Office, 2400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC, 20301-2400.

The familiar, black and white National League of Families POW/MIA flag reads “You Are Not Forgotten.” Let’s use POW/MIA Recognition Day as a reminder to honor that pledge.

Outreach Weekend is changing

Operation Stand Down Rhode Island will continue its popular Outreach Weekend for the 28th consecutive year on Sept. 18 and 19. The format and location will be changed in 2020, however, to comply with health and safety restrictions during the pandemic.

This year’s events will be limited to Veterans Administration-eligible veterans (no dependents), and all attendees must wear masks and practice social distancing.

“We believe the event to be such a staple in the veteran community and far too important for our struggling veterans to cancel in light of the global pandemic, so we have chosen to scale it back and modify the event to ensure veterans are still able to access the most essential services available,” said Erik Wallin,  the organization’s executive director.

Veterans should arrive at a new location, Johnston Veterans War Memorial Park, 1583 Hartford Ave, Johnston, beginning at 8 a.m. Everyone who arrives will be screened for COVID-19. All veterans cleared for participation will be shuttled a mile from the park to the Anthony DeQuattro Veteran Complex.

Once veterans arrive at their destination, they will have access to VA Medical health screenings, flu shots and pneumonia immunizations, along with a wide array of supportive services. Legal consultations, assistance with completing disability claims, VA enrollment, Social Security disability claims and applying for housing services will be offered. All participants will get a free bagged lunch and be offered packages of personal hygiene products and food before they leave.

The Horace Kimball Foundation and Bank R.I. helped underwrite the costs of the day’s events.

Operation Stand Down RI partnered with the Rhode Island Public Transportation Authority to provide free transportation to the event. Bus service will begin at 8 a.m. both days from Kennedy Plaza to the park. The last returning bus will depart at 4 p.m. each day from the Veteran Complex in Johnston.

Do you know a living veteran who would be willing to share their story? Do you offer a program or service focused on serving retired military? Are you planning an event aimed at veterans or their families? Email Mary K. Talbot at ThoseWhoServedAmerica@gmail.com.


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