Home Latest Vice-Presidential Poll Live Updates: Voting to elect India’s next V-P underway; PM Modi, Sonia Gandhi cast their vote

Vice-Presidential Poll Live Updates: Voting to elect India’s next V-P underway; PM Modi, Sonia Gandhi cast their vote

Vice-Presidential Poll Live Updates: Voting to elect India’s next V-P underway; PM Modi, Sonia Gandhi cast their vote


NDA’s candidate for Vice President’s post Jagdeep Dhankhar, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (Express photo by Prem Nath Pandey)

In a fresh video message ahead of the polls, Alva said: “If Parliament is to function effectively, MPs, independent of their parties, must find ways to rebuild trust and restore broken communication amongst each other. In the end, it is the MPs who determine the character of our Parliament.”

The Vice-President also serves as the chairperson of Rajya Sabha. The electoral college in the Vice-Presidential election comprises a total of 788 members of both Houses of Parliament.

Unlike the Presidential election in which voting takes place in multiple locations as elected MLAs, not nominated, also form part of the electoral college, in the Vice-Presidential election, polling takes place only in Parliament House.

Since all the electors are members of both Houses of Parliament, the value of vote of each MP would be the same, which is, one, the Election Commission has said.

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