Home Health Victorian Government says 70-80pc coronavirus cases in health workers caught at work

Victorian Government says 70-80pc coronavirus cases in health workers caught at work

Victorian Government says 70-80pc coronavirus cases in health workers caught at work


The Victorian Government says about “70 to 80 per cent” of healthcare workers infected with COVID-19 during the state’s second wave of infections caught it at work.

Victoria’s Chief Medical Officer Andrew Wilson today revealed that more than half of the infections among healthcare workers occurred in aged care.

In hospitals, 70 per cent of infections were among nurses.

The State Government previously estimated only 10 to 15 per cent of COVID-19 cases among the state’s healthcare workers had been acquired at work.

It said the rest of the infections happened in the community.

Data released by the Victorian Government today shows that only about 20 per cent of healthcare workers who caught the virus during the first wave, earlier in the year, contracted it at work.

More to come.


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